Tuesday, April 14, 2015

[californiadisasters] Camp Pendleton crews prepare for fire season

Camp Pendleton crews prepare for fire season

Hannah Mullins
5:58 PM, Apr 8, 2015

CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. - It's getting warmer all around California, which means fire crews across the state -- including at Camp Pendleton -- are gearing up for fire season.

Last year was the warmest on record for the state, and this year is shaping up to smash those records.

Camp Pendleton Fire Department Assistant Chief David Edwards, who coordinates fire attack and prevention plans across the 209-square mile base, said, "If a Marine is training here at the right time of year, during the summertime where it's [a] hot, dry day, and they're shooting into the impact areas where they're supposed to be shooting into, it's going to start a fire."

Marines conduct live fire training across the base, which is critical for combat, but it only adds to the fire danger.

"No other emergency affects Marine Corps training more than wildland fire on this base," he added.

Edwards has been fighting fires since he was 17 years old, but last May he faced a firestorm.

"It was exhausting, and it was probably the toughest handful of days of my career," Edwards explained.

The Marines do not believe weapons training caused the Basilone Complex fires that torched about 22,000 acres.

As flames ripped across base, Marines sent helicopters to fight fires, like the Cocos Fire, off base.

Resources were strapped, which left a big black scar, but from it may come some relief.

"It reduced a lot of the hazard fuels," Edwards said.

He expects more fires this season but thinks they will be easier to fight with chunks of heavy vegetation wiped out.

And they are ready, as crews have been clearing breaks, doing prescribed burns and keeping fuels cut by live fire areas.

"Ensuring that the Marines get every minute that they can to train and not have to think about what their training is affecting and alleviating wildland fire risk for the base, yeah, I take pride in that," Edwards said.

The 130 firefighters on base are protecting Marines at home as they prepare to protect our country.

When asked why he cares, Edwards said, "I guess because it's our freedom."

Base officials urge everyone to have an emergency plan in place.

Source: www.10news.com/news/camp-pendleton-crews-prepare-for-fire-season


Posted by: Kim Noyes <kimnoyes@gmail.com>

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