My thoughts and prayers go out to their personal and department families, and all who knew them. My God's comfort and strength be their constant companions as they travel through their grief. May God Rest the Souls of these brave fallen firefighters.
Rev. Robert A. Crutchfield
Senior Pastor, Compassion Church of Katy
From: Kim Noyes <>
To: CaliforniaDisasters <>; Wildland_Scanner <>; Enchantment Scanner <>; DailyBrief <>
Sent: Sunday, June 30, 2013 10:07 PM
Subject: [californiadisasters] 19 Firefighters Reported Killed - R.I.P. Granite Mnt. Hotshots
| | | It's with shock and regret that we advise you that 19 Firefighters have died in the Line of Duty. The Prescott Fire Department is stating that 19 firefighters have died while operating at the Yarnell Hill fire tonight night. They're part of the Prescott Granite Mountain Hot Shots. The wildfire was likely caused by a lightning strike Saturday night. The Yarnell Hill fire, about 35 miles southwest of Prescott, has burned about 1,300 acres and forced the evacuation of 50 homes. The fire started Friday and has not yet burned down any structures, but Sunday night firefighters pushed the blaze back away from communities, hoping to keep the blaze from overtaking any homes. Much more to follow.RIP. Take Care-BE CAREFUL. The Secret List 6-30-13 / 2246 hours
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