HOMECOMING TICKETS: tickets will be on sale today for $25 per ticket. You must have your current ID to purchase a ticket. No parking passes will be on sale during the week of ticket sales.
TODAY: Tropical Twin Thursday
Thursday in the DECA Snack Bar and Lava Pit, we will be selling Dion's Pizza, Fried Chicken with buttery biscuits, Regular Pepsi and Starbucks Iced Coffee Drinks.
September 30: Fancy Friday
We will be on a long assembly schedule for coronation.
The football boosters will be sponsoring a tailgate before the game from 4 to 6:30 at the north east corner of Community Stadium.
October 1: Homecoming Dance 8pm – 11pm at VVHS
Be sure you have your current school ID with you when you check in at the door!
Open Mic Night is back! Our first Open Mic Night of the school year will be next Wednesday, October 5 from 6 - 9 in the Black Box Theater. Sign up will be from Wednesday, September 28 until 2:30 pm Tuesday, October 4 outside of G201, Mrs. Rizzardi's room. Sign up early, we expect a great turnout!
Seniors- College Days will be held today in the Library. If you do not have a 6th period class you are still able to attend! Please come to the library at 1:00. There will be a sign in at the door. Come get information for 30 national and regional colleges. To make the most out of your college days experience visit www.gotocollegefairs.com
Staff Yoga today in the library at 2:50.
Reminder: Step counts are due to Coach Suman by tomorrow afternoon! Participation is waning...let's step it up and keep on moving! Every step counts!!!
GOLF: at Los Altos todayat 9am
FB: plays Highland tomorrow at 7pm at Community Stadium.
XC is in the LaCueva Invite at 9 Saturday
Girls Soccer plays Piedra Vista at noon on Saturday
Boys Soccer will play at Piedra Vista at 10 on Saturday
And remember
As always
It's Great to be a Hawk
Posted by: ssteckbeck@yahoo.com
For more information, go to our web site: http://www.volcanovistahawks.com