Wednesday, November 29, 2017
[Volcano_Vista_HS] Daily Announcements Wednesday, December 29, 2017
Good Morning Hawks
Today is Wednesday, November 29, 2019
Please rise for the pledge…
DECA would like to thank all sponsors that participated in the Can food drive for Road Runner food bank. In total We collect 425 cans and 25 dollars. The Club who had the most participation was Unified hawks. Congratulation!
Sent from my iPhone
UGLY SWEATER DAY is on December 5. Start looking in your Granma's closet for your sweater.
TSA will be sell pop sockets for $7 at the end of E Hall at Lunch all week.
DRAMA: All Cast members of The Sound of Music: Let's start from the very beginning, a very good place to start. We will have our first cast meeting on Tuesday, December 5 in the PAC from 3-4. This meeting is mandatory. Rehearsal schedules will be handed out and costume fittings will take place.
PB & J: Senate is once again sponsoring 30 children for the holidays. If your club or class would like to adopt a child please stop by the activities office and select a child and fulfill their wish list. All gifts are due back to the activities office by Wednesday December 6th. Please do not wrap the gifts.
SWIM: will compete in the APS Invitational @ West Mesa Pool at 8:30 am
That's all for your morning announcements Hawks, Have a great day.
And remember
As always
It's Great to be a Hawk
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[californiadisasters] Re: RIP Hotlist &
"This was posted by Sam Lanier on the Wildland Firefighters Facebook page. I think it's appropriate to post here since we are not getting answers from the company.
I've noticed it and you've noticed it. Can't access the website and the forum tells you that you are in the queue but you can't ever get in..... this morning I Googled the phenomenon and found this thread:
- 11/21/2017
For last week I have been getting a vbulletin message saying your request queued up when I try to log on to the hotlist forum. I've emailed info@firewhat but haven't heard anything from them.
The views expressed are not those of this site, this blog or its affiliated companies. By posting your comments you agree to accept our terms of use.
DaveNovember 21, 2017I dunno what the deal is. been the same story here. tried emailing firewhat, to no avail, as the first several wouldn't even send. hopefully it gets resolved.
TFDFFNovember 24, 2017Hearing rumors that the parent company for this site has filed for bankruptcy and that this site is down indefinitely. I am trying to find out more but even as a Hotlist Mod, I haven't been told anything. Everything I have heard have been from previous "employees" on other social media sites.
Gizmo719November 26, 2017I really hope we dont lose this resource for good
TonyNovember 26, 2017I'm getting bits and pieces however it "sounds" as if the site is down for good unless someone else picks it up. Not sure that is possible at this point. It's a shame to lose such a valuable resource. Wish Original Ab would have kept it somehow. Wish they would put an informative type disclaimer at least on the domain letting everyone know what is going on and if the site will be back up again possibly in the future, but the things I'm hearing it doesn't sound good.
Posted by: Kim Noyes <>
Be sure to check out our Links Section at
Please join our Discussion Group at for topical but extended discussions started here or for less topical but nonetheless relevant messages.
[californiadisasters] RIP Hotlist &
- 11/21/2017
For last week I have been getting a vbulletin message saying your request queued up when I try to log on to the hotlist forum. I've emailed info@firewhat but haven't heard anything from them.
The views expressed are not those of this site, this blog or its affiliated companies. By posting your comments you agree to accept our terms of use.
- DaveNovember 21, 2017
I dunno what the deal is. been the same story here. tried emailing firewhat, to no avail, as the first several wouldn't even send. hopefully it gets resolved.
- TFDFFNovember 24, 2017
Hearing rumors that the parent company for this site has filed for bankruptcy and that this site is down indefinitely. I am trying to find out more but even as a Hotlist Mod, I haven't been told anything. Everything I have heard have been from previous "employees" on other social media sites.
- Gizmo719November 26, 2017
I really hope we dont lose this resource for good
- TonyNovember 26, 2017
I'm getting bits and pieces however it "sounds" as if the site is down for good unless someone else picks it up. Not sure that is possible at this point. It's a shame to lose such a valuable resource. Wish Original Ab would have kept it somehow. Wish they would put an informative type disclaimer at least on the domain letting everyone know what is going on and if the site will be back up again possibly in the future, but the things I'm hearing it doesn't sound good.
Posted by: Kim Noyes <>
Be sure to check out our Links Section at
Please join our Discussion Group at for topical but extended discussions started here or for less topical but nonetheless relevant messages.
"Hello All,
I was the founder of FireWhat, and through a series of bummer events, the Board of the Company decided to close the doors. It was a sad day for us. Believe me. And a sad day for the time and efforts we put into the company. I had stepped away a few months before the Board decided to close down the company, and when I stepped down, I honestly didn't think we would be closing the doors a few months later. We didn't "Bail". The staff of the company put their heart and souls into working to make a safer fire community. was one project as part of several others. We were working on live firefighter tracking. Working with Congress to support additional funding, and spent many countless hours on the front line helping with wildfire mapping and integrated technologies.
But, we ultimately were at the discretion of the Board who decided to close the doors. We were growing faster the revenues could keep up, and to look back on the 7 years building the company, I am pretty proud of what the team did accomplish. I get not everyone is going to be happy. Believe me, when we learned the company would close, we weren't happy to see al the work we had created go away. But, maybe someone new will come along and move the efforts forward!""