Good Morning Hawks!
Students who need to recover credit in English and math should speak with their counselors about the VVHS After-school Credit Recovery Program. The courses are free and self-paced. It is the most convenient way to recover missing credits!
The ITT Technical Institute located in Albuquerque, New Mexico is proud to announce the Partners in Education program for the September Quarter 2010. The program offers high school seniors the opportunity to begin taking post secondary courses in a wide range of programs including: Information Technology, Electronics Technology and Engineering, Drafting and Design, Visual Communications, Health Information Technology, Nursing, Paralegal Studies and Criminal Justice.
To be considered for the program, students must attend the information session and have their packets completed, including high school transcripts, turned in to 5100 Masthead NE by Thursday, September 2nd 2010. Information Session and Overview Date:
Thursday, September 2nd 2010 from 4:00pm to 5:30pm
"Do you think you're smart? Could you beat Chuck a battle of wits? If so, check out ACADEMIC DECATHLON. We'll be having our first meeting of the school year TUESDAY @ LUNCH in Mrs. Taylor's room, E113. ACADEMIC DECATHLON is the ultimate competition--an intense high-octane battle of smarts, where only the strong-minded survive. Everyone is welcome."
If you are getting free or reduce lunch and have not fill out a new lunch form for this year you need to do so, or you will no longer be able to get free or reduce lunch. You can pick up a form in the cafeteria at lunch time.
Art Club will be meeting on Friday during lunch, not Wednesday. The Art Club meeting will be in G113.
Parking passes will be on sale at 7am and at lunch today in the Activities Office. Passes are $35.00. Please remember to bring all the requested information with you when you make your purchase. Beginning on next week parking passes may be purchased on Tuesday's and Thursday's before school and at lunch in the Activities Office.
APS Punch Cards are still for sale in the 9th Grade Academy office during lunch.
NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY MEMBERS: Our first meeting of the year will be Monday, August 30th, in the Lecture Hall at lunch.
Class Rings will be on sale today at lunch outside of the Activities Office.
Seniors: Beginning on Friday you may make nominations for your class song, motto, and flower in the activities office in the morning and at lunch.
Attention everyone who wants to wrestle this year. If you are not currently in a sport, pre-season wrestling practice starts next week. There will be a short meeting after school on Tuesday to give out the schedule, meet the coaches, and ask questions. No wrestling experience is required. If you think you are interested, come check it out!
- Girls Soocer will play at the soccer complex (across the street) this afternoon at 4:15.
- Boys soccer will play at Volcano Vista at noon tomorrow.
As always…
It's Great to be a Hawk!
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