Congratulations to this week’s students that were recognized for demonstrating the core values of our school Safety, Organization, Achievement and Respect. Way to SOAR! The following are the six students that were randomly drawn for our weekly prize:
- Kiel Black--Recognized by Ms. Benham
- Kyle Tuttle--Recognized by Mr. Flores
- Eric Pierce--Recognized by Ms. Valdez
- Jacob Harris--Recognized by Ms. Conell
- Chris Orana--Recognized by Mr. Davidson
- Ryan Hammond--Recognized by Benham
This week’s winners receive United Artist Movie gift cards.
Attention all Homecoming court members you have a MANDATORY meeting at lunch in D215-TODAY!
EGYPT!!! PYRAMIDS!!!! CAMELS!!! AND...Making SMILES!!!! Come hear about Operation Smile Medical Mission Trip to Egypt! Tuesday at lunch in Room A101, Ms. Bullard’s room. All interested in learning more about Operation Smile, and how you can help bring a smile to children throughout the world, bring your lunch to A101 on Tuesday!â€
NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY: NHS Members please listen up! Take note of the following information:
Today we will have a mandatory meeting. We will be meeting in three different locations depending on the group you are assigned to:
- Tutoring will meet in E203 with Mrs. Jones.
- Fund Raising will meet in A207 with Ms. Torres.
- Community Service will meet in A216 with Mr. Wellman.
Be sure you sign in at the meeting Monday in the room you are assigned to.
Questions? See Mrs. Jones.
Juniors…The deadline to sign up for the PSAT exam is Friday October 1st. There will be a table set up for registration between E and F halls during lunch on TUESDAY and FRIDAY this week! Bring your $13 to reserve your spot!
VVHS Spanish Club will have their first meeting on Tuesday, September 28 at lunch in room F210. The goal of the Spanish Club is to provide opportunities, outside of the classroom, for those interested in the Spanish language and culture. Club information and snacks will be provided. Come join the FIESTA!
Tickets for the 2010 Homecoming fashion show will go on sale today at lunch in front of the lecture hall. Tickets are $1.00 and you will be entered to win great prizes.
Fashion Show Models please listen up:
Your hawk absences are due today. Please put them in the folder outside of Mrs. Bergsten's room.
There will be no fashion show rehearsal today. Our only rehearsal will be Tuesday at lunch in the theatre. You are all required to attend.
There will be an informational meeting today during lunch for girls interested in trying out for basketball in November. The meeting will be in the gym at the beginning of lunch. You will receive a calendar for workouts beginning Oct. 4th. If you are not able to attend, pick up at workout schedule from F202. Coach Villareal
And remember
as always
It’s Great to be a Hawk!
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