On March 10 & 11, 2012, the Geodeland Earth Science Clubs, Inc. (GESCI) will present their 32nd Annual Gem, Mineral and Fossil Show. It will be held in the Student Union Ball Room on the campus of Western Illinois University in Macomb, Illinois.
Special exhibits will include a T-rex and other skull casts as well as other dinosaur reproductions. There will be displays commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the New Madrid Earthquakes and displays of minerals found in the states surrounding the quake zone. Also on display will be an intarsia of Abraham Lincoln.
There will be nine dealers in minerals, fossils, meteorites, jewelry and equipment. The Illinois State Geological Survey will provide hands-on specimen identification. A silent auction will be held throughout the show. There will be a number of demonstrators of various lapidary techniques. There will also be activities for kids, a fluorescent minerals display and a variety of member displays.
There will be both live and prerecorded programs on both days.
Admission and parking is free. Show hours are Saturday from 10am-6pm and Sunday from 10am-5pm
Note - This is not the Mid-America Paleontology Society (MAPS) Fossil Expo that is also held in Macomb each year. It will be held March 30 – April 1, also on the campus of Western Illinois University. As a plug for the show – the MAPS Fossil Expo is one of the largest fossil only shows around and has something for every fossil lover out there.
Dennis Bomke
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