Thursday, March 20, 2014

[Geology2] Volcano so devastating people ate their own shoes

This eruption probably triggered the French Revolution.

On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 9:48 PM, Lin Kerns <> wrote:

Volcano so devastating people ate their own shoes


By Christopher Hudson

PUBLISHED: 20 March 2014

Deadly smoke: A volcano erupting in Hawaii

Deadly smoke: A volcano erupting in Hawaii

Iceland is an unsettling country. When I was 17, I took part in an expedition across Vatnajokull, a desolate landscape of black and twisted lava. Across it marches a line of volcanic craters, 130 of them, stretching for 27 kilometres.

If I had been standing there in June 1783 I would have been vaporised instantly as 1000-metre fire columns spewed from a great fissure in the earth. It would have been a merciful death.

The Laki craters, as they became known (after Mount Laki which stands at the centre) would erupt for eight months, poisoning half of Iceland’s livestock and killing tens of thousands of people, causing a caustic fog that would smother Europe.

Iceland is not a major player in the league of volcanic eruptions. Hekla, the huge volcano in the great geyser fields east of Reykjavik, has erupted at least 20 times since Iceland was settled but no eruption has had the impact on history that Laki’s did - yet. Even the 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajokull with its spreading ash cloud caused only temporary disruption to nearby European airports.

More feared is its neighbour, Katla, which usually erupts in tandem with Eyjafjallajokull, and sits under hundreds of metres of solid ice with the potential to cause catastrophic floods.

Devastating result: The craters below Mount Laki

Devastating result: The craters below Mount Laki

Laki’s 1783 eruption demonstrated how even a mid-sized volcano could cause death and extreme discomfort across the globe. For months, a poisonous rusty red haze belched from its craters - a deadly cloud of chlorine, fluorine and sulphur dioxide.

As it spread across Europe, tens of thousands died of respiratory disease. Crops failed, animals starved and desperate families were reduced to cooking their own leather shoes for sustenance, soaked in sour milk and spread with fat to make them palatable. Among the starving, the social order broke down. The authors speculate that the widespread famine may even have helped cause the 1789 French Revolution.

To categorise volcanoes, vulcanologists have developed an explosivity scale ranging from 0 to 8. A relatively polite volcano like Italy’s Stromboli registers only 2 on the Volcanic Explosivity Index (or VEI scale). Volcanoes like this may erupt once a week.

Mount Laki and, in modern times, the 1980 eruption of Mount St Helens in the state of Washington, are classed as VEI 4 or ‘cataclysmic’ explosions.

A VEI 6 or VEI 7 event is dubbed ‘colossal’ or ‘super-colossal’ - a once-in-a-century disaster, such as Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines, which blew up in 1991. It caused an ash plume more than 30km high, and the resulting smog blocked the sun and so cooled down the earth for several years. Then there are the VEI 8 ‘mega-colossal’ volcanoes, with the potential to alter the planet.

Phenomenom: A geyser in Yellowstone

Phenomenom: A geyser in Yellowstone

Yellowstone in the U.S. is one, sitting precariously on top of a giant magma chamber only a few kilometres beneath the earth’s crust. So close to the surface is the magma that Yellowstone’s geysers and hot springs constantly gush boiling water while its mud pools bubble with boiling mud.

Yellowstone last blew its top 640,000 years ago in an explosion that was 2,500 times the magnitude of the 1980 eruption at Mount St Helens. Even that was mild by its standards. 2.1 million years ago, the supervolcano exploded 6,000 times more violently than Mount St Helens.

The more realistic danger, the authors say, is that of a VEI 3 or 4 volcano going off next door to a city. We all know the story of Pompeii. But 3 million Neapolitans live on Vesuvius’s flanks, and scientists think it can only be a matter of time.

And then there is Popocatepetl, near Mexico City, which, after decades of slumber, came back to life with a series of small eruptions in 1994.

A supereruption would devastate our planet, blocking out sunshine, killing the earth’s vegetation, tearing apart the ozone layer, leaving us at the mercy of deadly radiation. Fortunately, supervolcanoes blow rarely, roughly once every 50,000 years.

They are monitored closely by vulcanologists around the world. But if one did decide to erupt, it wouldn’t give much advance warning at all, and there wouldn’t be anything we could do about it.



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