Saturday, November 15, 2014

[californiadisasters] Emergency Manager’s Weekly Report 11-14-14

Hello Everyone,


The weekly report will resume publication on Nov. 28th.  This week's edition is now available at:


Emergency Manager's Weekly Report

  • Introduction and Contributions (Page 3)
  • Executive Summary (Page 6)
  • Emergency Management (Page 14)       
  • Homeland Security, Defense and National Security (Page 16)         
  • Campus Safety and Security (Page 18)
  • Access/Functional Needs (Page 19)
  • Technological and Natural Hazards (Page 20)
  • Public Safety Communications (Page 22)
  • Emergency Services (Page 23)
  • Other (Page 25)
  • Syrian Civil War and Iraqi Unrest (Page 26)
  • Humanitarian Affairs and Global Security (Page 28)
  • Technological and Natural Hazards (Page 30)
  • International Affairs (Page 32)
  • Climate Change and Alternative Energy Sources (Page 33)
  • Reports (Page 34)
  • Resources (Page 35)


Special Report

  • U.S. Ebola Cases

  • Contact Tracing, Quarantines and Treatment (Page 7)

  • Protective Measures (Page 8)

  • Other (Page 9)

  • West Africa Ebola Outbreak

  • Affected Nation-States Response (Page 10)

  • Quarantine, Epidemiology Investigations and Treatment (Page 11)

  • International Response (Page 12)

  • Other (Page 13)

  • Resources (Page 15)


Steve Detwiler


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