Sunday, November 16, 2014

[californiadisasters] On This Date In California Weather History (November 16)

2008: Santa Ana winds blew from 11.15 to 11.19.
Winds gusted over 70 mph in the Santa Ana Mountains and over 60 mph in the northern Inland Empire.
The Freeway Complex Fire burned from Corona through Chino Hills and Yorba Linda.
This fire destroyed or damaged over 300 homes and four businesses.
More than 30,000 acres burned and more than 40,000 evacuated.

1994: Gusty winds whipped the Kern deserts.
Gusts to 80 mph were clocked in Mojave, with sustained winds of 45 to 60 mph recorded.
Power outages resulted.

1976: San Jose had a low temperature of 21° F -- a record for the month

1971: Poway Creek flooded Poway.

1964: It was 17° F in Palomar Mountain, the lowest temperature on record for November.
This also occurred on this day in 1958 and on 11.29.1975.

1964: The coldest November high ever in Las Vegas, NV, 42° F.

1958: It was 17° F in Palomar Mountain, the lowest temperature on record for November.
This also occurred on this day in 1964 and on 11/29/1975.

1951: Four day "Chinook" wind storm at Bakersfield began, lasting until the 19th.
Longest such wind storm on record at the time.
Highest sustained wind was 30 mph from the southeast.

1950: A series of winter storms lasting through the first week of December brought heavy precipitation to the Central Valley of California.
Almost 700,000 acres were flooded with damage estimated at $33 million.

1909: The morning low temperature at Reno, NV was 5° F.

Source: NWS San Francisco/Monterey, Hanford, Reno, Las Vegas, & San Diego



Posted by: Kim Noyes <>

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