Monday, January 12, 2015

Re: [Geology2] Destruction of National Treasure wasSmall volcanic eruptions partly explain ‘warming hiatus’

There seems to be a middle of the road, albeit, muted body of "real scientist"-- not just geo/climate, that won't publicly share their opinions on climate science corruption  because they don't want to get beat up by the zealots on either side.  They risk funding loss even on their non-climate research. As I understand their consensus position is "let science be science".   They believe that if unleashed merit-based research was promoted, that the principles of good science, peer review and vigorous debate will allow knowledge to float to the top.  I think if we let science do its honest research, we will eventually find the real state of climate and be able to make sound decisions even if we still find politicians throwing money at it with no effect in the end.

 These are good illustrations of the mindset of the Global warming Religion which has to convert the sheeple to the party line:

Penn State had the world's finest geological/mineralogical exhibit space for illustration of the numerous principles of geo/mineral phenomena (e.g a jig which shows how some sandstones can bend and flex, how spinning a calcite rohmb over a light table shows defraction, etc)   A new department director out of Environmental Science background became department head literally junked the entire geo-science exhibit and replaced it with global warming propaganda posters--nothing hands on nor multimedia.  She knew nothing about geology and went about firing geology professors , clearing the curriculum of many geology courses not related to Environmental science and evaporating Penn State's long significant history of wprld-classgeo scientific study.

Handmade 50 year old display cabinets, custom build apparatus, years of collected geological papers/specimens/ rare fossils etc were not offered to any other school but were broken up and carted to the land fill.    In her mind, Geology represents only "mining" --especially coal mining and must be obliterated.  I loosely compare this zealotry to the Taliban destroying the Buddhist Cliff carvings in Afghanistan.  What is gone is gone.( I do not know what happened to the largest known mammal femur but the rumor is that it was hacked up so it could be dumped out a 3rd story window as it was too large and too heavy to move through newer additions.  There may be a member on the list that can correct me or fill in missing details.

If you remember climategate ( leaked emails) where the zealots of East Anglican University applied some of their own " upward modifications" to climate data.  This database-- really a compendium from around the world such as logs from British naval voyages including the HMS Beagle, along with colonial administrations reports, etc., going back hundreds of years.   Well they kept no backup copy  of the original data before their secret modifications and had the original compilation of historical data destroyed* so no one could validate their work. ( They still won't share their data or methodology which is almost heard peer published papers as one of the fundamental principles of results is reproducibility).  In my opinion this was national treasure of scientific effort.  As with NASA and Penn State the destruction was criminal.  Zealotry is an enemy where ever found and unfortunately represents a higher percentage of the movers in the global warming side. Were they burning ancient texts or destroying non "approved" paintings or sculptures the public would be demanding heads.  But it is science so who gives a rats behind?


* Compare this to IBM cards or public library card catalogs of the Library of Congress   rows and rows of individual cards written by clerks for 300 years including summaries and ledgers of all books ever published being thrown away with only the new summaries retained but hidden from public view.  We don't know which of the thousands of books were purged from memory nor do we have any criteria on book purging other than they were judged by zealots to not fit the present day "message"  This we believe is what happened to the records of countess dutiful ship captain's and county clerk's thrice daily looking at their thermometers recording the temps, noting the sky conditions and wind speed and directions. All gone because some zealots didn't ever want their work blaming global warming on humanity to be challenged

From: "Lin Kerns [geology2]" <>
To: Geology2 <>
Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2015 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: [Geology2] Small volcanic eruptions partly explain 'warming hiatus'

Thanks Eman for a very edifying view on climate change, as seen by the scientific community. Would that science will prevail and politics will not, but then I'm a realist and do not hold to much hope there.


Posted by: MEM <>


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