Congratulations to this week's SOAR drawing. The following students have been recognized by our staff for exhibiting Volcano Vista core values - Safety, Organization, Achievement and Respect. All winners this week receive hawk spirit wear.
Kiara Jones - Recognized by Ms. Minor
Dasie Kent - Recognized by Ms. Minor
Camill Wallace - Recognized by Mrs. Francour
Reanne Benavidez- Recognized by Ms. Minor
Sam Camarena - Recognized by Ms. Widman
Isaiah Ramirez - Recognized by Mr. Cook
Campus Clean-up: We will be having a campus clean-up this Saturday from 9 to noon. All students are welcome to attend. If you need community service points this is your opportunity to earn them.
BSU: There will be a Black Student Union Meeting today during lunch in Mrs. Vasquez' room, H206. See you all then!
BEST BUDDIES Signups for the Annual Best Buddies Basketball Tournament are this week! Come by during lunch in front of E and F hall to sign up for $1!
Hawkword Moments Literary magazine is your literary magazine and the best in New Mexico! We need your creativity to make this year's Lit Mag fabulous. Submission forms and guidelines can be found on Mrs. Rizzardi's VVHS faculty page, outside room H219, or from your friendly, neighborhood English teacher. The submission deadline has been extended to February 20th.
YEARBOOK The yearbook has sold out of senior ad space. This yearbook is jam packed with stories all about you. Order yours for $70 online at
Looking for a great summer job? The City of Albuquerque is looking to hire lifeguards for the upcoming summer season. Schedules are flexible and the work is fun! If you're interested in becoming a lifeguard please visit under the Swimming Pool Jobs tab. Flyers can be found in the Activities office for more information.
GOLF Students who are interested in trying out for the Spring Golf Team must come by room A-204 to see Coach Cota. Students must see Coach Cota in A-204 to obtain tryout information and secure a tee time for tryouts on February 23rd.
Softball: There will be a Softball camp at VVHS on March 7th for more info contact Coach O'Meara or Coach Campbell.
Wrestling has their state tournament at Santa Ana Star Center this weekend. Good Luck Dirty Birds!
Swimming has their state meet at Albuquerque Academy Pool this weekend.
Have a great day!
And remember
As always…
It's great to be a hawk!
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