Saturday, November 7, 2015

[californiadisasters] RIDING THE STORM "Landslide Danger in the San Francisco Bay Area" (YouTube movie)

RIDING THE STORM "Landslide Danger in the San Francisco Bay Area"

Published on Oct 17, 2015

Movie Synopsis:

- A catastrophic 1982 rainstorm triggered 18,000 landslides in the Bay Area, claiming 25 lives and causing $66 million in property damage
- The combination of steep slopes, weak rocks, and intense winter storms make Bay Area uplands an ideal setting for landslides
- Landslides include both swift, potentially deadly debris flows and slower, but destructive deepseated slides
- Learn what USGS scientists have discovered about landslide dynamics and which slopes are most susceptible to sliding
- Hear the devastating stories of Bay Area residents affected by landslides and learn to recognize the danger signs

Producer/Director/Editor KAREN ADAMS
Principal Videographer DOUGLAS DEVORE
Graphics Animator/Artist BRYAN COLEMAN
Lead Associate Editor WENDY VAN WAZER
Chief Scientific Advisor RAYMOND WILSON
Original Musical Score and Sound Design by DAN CANTRELL
Cover Art by NANCY BROWN

Video Copyright © U.S. Geological Survey

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Posted by: Lin Kerns <>

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