Monday, November 9, 2015

Re: [californiadisasters] Admin Read: MIA Mea Culpa

I'm here too lurking. Always good info here. I have twitter but don't use it as I am usually home and the phone is off.
More Live Radio Fun and a Whole Lot More!    Don KPC6NDB  Upland, CA  34.10 -117.63 1250ft  FRG-100B FunCube Dongle Pro+  ICF2010 Perseusx2 WR-G31DDCx2  R70 R71A w/250Hz R75x2 w/250Hz  PRN1000x2 SDR-IQ SPR-4 SSR-1  SR-AF & LPF DSP599zx MFJ-784B  HD-1418 AF-1 MSB-1  PA0RDT MW x2 @ 20ft DXE-ARAV3-1P @18ft  RYOAA @ 20ft 28ft LF LNV  ALA100Lx2 Z1501F @20ft    
On 09-Nov-15 12:14, Kim Noyes [californiadisasters] wrote:
Achtung Gruppe!

Those of you still here have undoubtedly noticed my relatively conspicuous absence and that many of the sorts of things that I faithfully posted here for years from On This Date In California Weather History to the News & Notes Updates to hazardous weather bulletins to topical articles have been largely absent from this online community the past several months aside from Lin Kerns and a few others to a lesser extent. First off: a shout-out goes to Linsis and the others who have continued to contribute here, especially Linsis.

The reason for this has been my being so very busy with full-time status at Cal Poly SLO, including a summer class. I have also been busy with work as a security guard when not in class on Fridays & weekends. Aside from that, by getting behind I then feel overwhelmed and not motivated to get caught up when I do have spare time to at least chip away on what I want to post here.

That being said, I have not held back on Twitter which as a social networking platform is much more user-friendly from both the posting and browsing user ends. California Disasters is now up to 598 followers on Twitter. I initially chaffed at the idea of ever using Twitter and ignored it for a time. Former member/moderator Gene Salvetti was the first to push for my using it. Eventually I caved in a couple of years ago and now that is my favorite platform for California Disasters and the only one I have maintained full-throttle. If any of you still here on Yahoo Groups (which is in rapid decline as is Yahoo generally) faithfully following this group I implore you to join Twitter and follow California Disasters there if you have not done so already. If you are uncomfortable with change and feel resistant, then I lovingly challenge you to get out of your comfort zone and try something new as I did. You will not be disappointed.

We are on Twitter here:

Aside from that, I promise to start posting here more often. I shall do this until I can no longer or it appears everybody here has left or Yahoo Groups shuts down this group or all its groups which is probably coming at some point. Technology and trends change over time! Remember the days a decade ago when SoCalFire was the bees knees and even NorCalFire was busy in summer? Now it seems only this group and SoCalScan and BayScan (a.k.a. Flamescan and its menagerie of curious characters) endure albeit with the warp drive mains offline and now under impulse power only.

Out of morbid curiosity, how many of you are still here? This is official roll-call time!

Der Gruppe Oberfuhrer


Posted by: Don <>

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