For god's sake....I hope all the smokers have priority on relocation! All lousy humor aside, I just can't imagine what these poor folks are going through.
Sure hope it gets solved soon as possible....that's just miserable. Where's the EPA when you actually NEED them?
> From: " [californiadisasters]" <>
>Sent: Monday, December 28, 2015 11:00 PM
>Subject: Re: [californiadisasters] Porter Ranch gas leak a catastrophe not seen since ...
>It's one of those extreme luck things. After living in Porter
Ranch for 20 years, and then moving away two years ago, my family has dodged
this bullet. However, living through the Northridge earthquake paid
all our dues already.
>What I can say is my aunt, uncle, and a good chunk of my customers at work
are deeply uprooted by this. Most are moving out of their homes and
trying to find a suitable replacement place to call home. It's
unfortunate for all involved. We all feel the gas company is doing all
they can to fix the leak, but we are angered they waited until something broke
to look twice.
Sure hope it gets solved soon as possible....that's just miserable. Where's the EPA when you actually NEED them?
> From: " [californiadisasters]" <>
>Sent: Monday, December 28, 2015 11:00 PM
>Subject: Re: [californiadisasters] Porter Ranch gas leak a catastrophe not seen since ...
>It's one of those extreme luck things. After living in Porter
Ranch for 20 years, and then moving away two years ago, my family has dodged
this bullet. However, living through the Northridge earthquake paid
all our dues already.
>What I can say is my aunt, uncle, and a good chunk of my customers at work
are deeply uprooted by this. Most are moving out of their homes and
trying to find a suitable replacement place to call home. It's
unfortunate for all involved. We all feel the gas company is doing all
they can to fix the leak, but we are angered they waited until something broke
to look twice.
Posted by: Pamela Alley <>
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