Wednesday, January 13, 2016

[Geology2] Volcanic activity worldwide 13 Jan 2016

Volcanic activity worldwide 13 Jan 2016: Santiaguito volcano, Pacaya, Fuego, Karymsky, Bromo, Lokon-...

Wednesday Jan 13, 2016

Nishinoshima island as of 27 Dec 2015 (Japan coast guard)
Nishinoshima island as of 27 Dec 2015 (Japan coast guard)
Seismic activity at Karangetang since Jan 2015 (VSI)
Seismic activity at Karangetang since Jan 2015 (VSI)
Pyroclastic flow on Sinabung on 10 Jan 2016 (image: sadrahPS via @LeopoldAdam / twitter)
Pyroclastic flow on Sinabung on 10 Jan 2016 (image: sadrahPS via @LeopoldAdam / twitter)
Ash emission from Bromo yesterday (image via jaime s. sincioco ‏@jaimessincioco / twitter)
Ash emission from Bromo yesterday (image via jaime s. sincioco ‏@jaimessincioco / twitter)
Seismic activity at Lokon volcano 1-12 Jan 2016 (VSI)
Seismic activity at Lokon volcano 1-12 Jan 2016 (VSI)
Eruption of Momotombo yesterday (INETER webcam)
Eruption of Momotombo yesterday (INETER webcam)
Ash emissions from San Miguel volcano this afternoon
Ash emissions from San Miguel volcano this afternoon
Ash emission from Copahue this afternoon
Ash emission from Copahue this afternoon
Ash emission from Nevados de Chillan volcano on 8 Jan (Sernageomin webcam, annotated by Culture Volcan)
Ash emission from Nevados de Chillan volcano on 8 Jan (Sernageomin webcam, annotated by Culture Volcan)
Karymsky (Kamchatka): Activity at the volcano, in continuous intermittent explosive activity for many years, seems to be elevated at the moment. Several explosions have been reported during the past days through observations of ash plumes reported reaching up to 18,000 ft (5.5 km) altitude (Tokyo VAAC).

Nishino-shima (Volcano Islands, Japan): The eruption seems to have ended in mid December. During the past two visits of the Japanese Coast Guard on 27 Dec and 3 Jan 2016, no more eruptive activity has been noted.
The two years of eruption since late November 2013 increased the size of the island from its tiny 0.26 to approx. to 2.63 square km. Now, it is up to the waves to slowly eat away at the young shores and gradually decrease it again, until a next eruption occurs...

Karangetang (Siau Island, Sangihe Islands, Indonesia): Ash from the volcano has been observed on satellite imagery during 11-12 Jan, Darwin VAAC reported. Likely, this came from a larger rockfall triggering a small pyroclastic flow, but this needs to be confirmed. The latest VSI report from this morning only mentions continuing glow from the active summit lava dome and small to moderate rockfalls.
In case of heavy rains, larger rockfalls and lahars could occur, in particular towards the valleys radiating to the SE from the volcano. Seismic activity remains elevated with an increase in shallow volcanic quakes.

Sinabung (Sumatra, Indonesia): The volcano's eruption continues with little changes into its third year. Slow lava extrusion at the summit results in occasional small to moderate pyroclastic flows as well as sporadic explosions.
This activity occurs in weeks-to-month long alternating phases of more and less intense frequency, as lobes of the overspilling dome grow too large and then break off to generate a series of collapses within a shorter time.
Both the pyroclastic flows and explosions produce ash plumes that regularly rise a few km above the volcano and are often reported by Darwin VAAC.

Bromo (East Java, Indonesia): Ash emissions of varying intensity have been near continuous during the past weeks.
The frequent ash falls have been causing significant damage to farmland, vegetation and lightly built structures in surrounding villages.

Dukono (Halmahera): The volcano continues to be very active with near-continuous ash emissions from the crater. Darwin VAAC reported an ash plume extending 70 km to the south of the volcano this morning.

Lokon-Empung (North Sulawesi, Indonesia): The volcano remains at significant unrest and moderate to large explosions could occur any time, the latest evaluation report of the volcano observatory states and alert level is being maintained at 3 ("siaga") on a scale of 1-4.
During the past weeks, visual activity consisted in degassing creating a plume of 25-150 m above the Tumpalun crater. Seismic activity has been dominated by frequent shallow volcanic earthquakes (up to 21 per day), sometimes felt nearby.
No clear trend has been visible over the past two weeks.

Santiaguito (Guatemala): INSIVUMEH reports strong degassing, a few weaker explosions and small to moderate rockfalls on the eastern side of the active Caliente lava dome.

Pacaya (Guatemala): The active intra-crater cone continues to grow (and slowly fill the crater). During clear nights, incandescence can be seen from the Mackenney crater.

Fuego (Guatemala): Since its last (relatively weak) paroxysm during the first days of 2016, the volcano has now been unusually calm. According to this morning's status report of the observatory, no explosions have been seen (or heard) since 5 days...
(This will surely change.)

Momotombo (Nicaragua): A strong vulcanian explosion occurred yesterday at 12:10 local time at the volcano. An ash plume rose approx 3 km from the summit and generated a small pyroclastic flow.

San Miguel (El Salvador): A new phase of eruptive activity began at the volcano on Monday. Accompanied by a spike in volcanic tremor, weak to moderate ash emissions have been occurring from the main crater. This activity, the 22nd eruptive phase since Dec 2013 according to MARN, has been decreasing since yesterday.

Copahue (Chile/Argentina): Near-continuous, but generally weak ash emissions and intense degassing continue at the volcano. Sernageomin maintains alert level yellow.

Nevados de Chillán (Central Chile): A short pulse of ash emissions occurred in the evening of 8 Jan 2016 around 18:49 local time.
No further emissions have occurred since and it is believed that the event was caused by phreatic activity of the shallow hydrothermal system of the volcano (not by fresh magma).
Sernageomin raised the alert status of the volcano to yellow.

Volcano Activity Summary for 13 Jan 2016:

Currently erupting:

Ambrym (Vanuatu): active lava lakes in several craters (updated 24 May 2015)
Aso (Kyushu): steaming, occasional phreatomagmatic or strombolian explosions (updated 26 Oct 2015)
Bagana (Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea): mild ash emissions (updated 26 Oct 2015)
Batu Tara (Sunda Islands, Indonesia): strombolian explosions, ash plumes up to 500 m, extrusion of a small lava dome with rockfalls (updated 28 Nov 2015)
Bromo (East Java, Indonesia): near-continuous ash emissions (updated 13 Jan 2016)
Colima (Western Mexico): intermittent vulcanian explosions (updated 10 Jan 2016)
Copahue (Chile/Argentina): seismic unrest, occasional ash venting (updated 13 Jan 2016)
Cotopaxi (Ecuador): vulcanian explosions (updated 16 Aug 2015)
Dukono (Halmahera): mild strombolian activity, continuous intense ash emissions (updated 13 Jan 2016)
Erebus (Antarctica): active lava lake in summit crater (updated 8 Dec 2014)
Erta Ale (Ethiopia): active lava lake in northern pit crater, active hornito with intermittend flow in southern crater (updated 3 Dec 2015)
Fuego (Guatemala): lava flows on S and W flanks, lava fountaining from summit vent (updated 13 Jan 2016)
Ibu (Halmahera, Indonesia): stromolian and phreatomagmatic explosions (updated 29 Oct 2015)
Karymsky (Kamchatka): occasional small explosions, thermal anomaly (updated 13 Jan 2016)
Kilauea (Hawai'i): new lava flow from vents on NE flank of Pu'u 'O'o (updated 28 Apr 2015)
Kliuchevskoi (Kamchatka): ash emissions, weak strombolian activity (updated 11 May 2015)
Manam (Papua New Guinea): large explosion on 31 July 2015 (updated 31 Aug 2015)
Masaya (Nicaragua): active lava lake in summit crater since mid Dec 2015 (updated 3 Jan 2016)
Momotombo (Nicaragua): intermittent vulcanian explosions (updated 13 Jan 2016)
Nevado del Ruiz (Colombia): intermittent ash emissions, strong degassing (updated 21 Sep 2015)
Nyiragongo (DRCongo): active lava lake in summit crater (updated 26 Feb 2014)
Ol Doinyo Lengai (Tanzania): effusion of natrocarbonatite lava inside the crater (updated 8 Jul 2013)
Pacaya (Guatemala): intense spattering from intra-crater cone (updated 13 Jan 2016)
Popocatépetl (Central Mexico): degassing, sporadic explosions, slowly growing lava dome (updated 18 Aug 2015)
Rabaul (Tavurvur) (New Britain, Papua New Guinea): lava fountains, ash emissions from Tavurvur cone (updated 12 Sep 2014)
Reventador (Ecuador): lava flow on SW flank (updated 17 Aug 2015)
Sakurajima (Kyushu, Japan): seismic swarm, eruption warning (updated 11 Nov 2015)
San Miguel (El Salvador): intermittent ash emissions (updated 13 Jan 2016)
Sangay (Ecuador): likely strombolian eruptions at summit crater (updated 13 Mar 2015)
Santiaguito (Guatemala): intermittent explosions from Caliente dome, strong degassing (updated 13 Jan 2016)
Semeru (East Java, Indonesia): growing lava dome, lava flow, strombolian activity (updated 9 Nov 2015)
Shiveluch (Kamchatka): growing lava dome (updated 11 Dec 2015)
Sinabung (Sumatra, Indonesia): continuing pyroclastic flows (updated 13 Jan 2016)
Stromboli (Eolian Islands, Italy): weak strombolian activity at summit vents (updated 16 Apr 2015)
Suwanose-jima (Ryukyu Islands): strombolian explosions in Ontake crater (updated 1 Oct 2015)
Tungurahua (Ecuador): intermittent small ash emissions, small to moderate explosions (updated 21 Nov 2015)
Villarrica (Central Chile): small lava lake in summit crater (updated 12 May 2015)
Yasur (Tanna Island, Vanuatu): ash emissions, weak strombolian explosions (updated 13 Nov 2015)
Zhupanovsky (Kamchatka, Russia): intermittent ash emissions (updated 1 Dec 2015)

Eruption warning / minor activity:

Alaid (Northern Kuriles): probable strombolian activity in summit crater (updated 8 Oct 2015)
Asama (Honshu): occasional small explosions since 16 June 2015 (updated 22 Jun 2015)
Augustine (Cook Inlet (SW Alaska))
Barren Island (Indian Ocean): weak thermal hot spot (updated 19 Aug 2015)
Bezymianny (Central Kamchatka Depression): steaming, weak seismic activity (updated 3 Jul 2014)
Bulusan (Luzon Island, Philippines): occasional phreatic explosions (updated 16 Jun 2015)
Canlaon (Central Philippines): occasional phreatic explosions (updated 11 Dec 2015)
Chirinkotan (Northern Kuriles, Russia): sporadic ash emissions (updated 28 Jul 2015)
Chirpoi (Kurile Islands, Russia): strombolian activity, lava flows entering the sea (updated 8 Nov 2015)
Etna (Sicily, Italy): weak strombolian activity inside Voragine crater (updated 19 Apr 2014)
Heard (Australia, Southern Indian Ocean): possibly lava lake in summit crater (updated 6 Nov 2015)
Karangetang (Siau Island, Sangihe Islands, Indonesia): rockfalls, glowing lava dome (updated 13 Jan 2016)
Kavachi (Solomon Islands): no eruption since 2007 (updated 16 Jun 2014)
Kerinci (Sumatra): seismic unrest, steam emissions (updated 5 Jun 2013)
Kick 'em Jenny (West Indies, Grenada): volcanic unrest, eruption warning (updated 24 Jul 2015)
Krakatau (Sunda Strait, Indonesia): steaming, seismic unrest (updated 15 Nov 2015)
Kuchinoerabu-jima (Ryukyu Islands): large explosive eruption on 29 May 2015 (updated 27 Mar 2015)
Lascar (Northern Chile): sudden explosion on 30 Oct 2015 (updated 31 Oct 2015)
Lopevi (Vanuatu): eruption warning (updated 16 Dec 2014)
Mayon (Luzon Island, Philippines): steaming (updated 18 Dec 2014)
Merapi (Central Java, Indonesia): sporadic phreatic explosions (updated 21 Aug 2015)
Michael (United Kingdom, South Sandwich Is): unspecified activity detected as hot spot on satellite data (updated 3 Oct 2015)
Nyamuragira (DRCongo): active lava lake (updated 29 Nov 2014)
Ontake-san (Honshu): steaming, low seismic activity (updated 18 Dec 2014)
Papandayan (West Java): steaming (updated 6 May 2013)
Pavlof (Alaska Peninsula, USA): steaming, elevated seismic activity (updated 22 Dec 2014)
Poas (Costa Rica): phreatic explosions (updated 14 Oct 2014)
Rasshua (Central Kuriles)
Raung (East Java): intra-caldera eruption with lava flow and strombolian activity (updated 27 Aug 2015)
Rincón de la Vieja (Costa Rica): phreatic explosions from crater lake (updated 21 Sep 2014)
Sabancaya (Peru): steaming, elevated seismic activity (updated 11 Oct 2015)
Sacabaya (Northern Chile, Bolivia and Argentina)
San Cristobal (Nicaragua): possible ash emission on 11 April (updated 9 Mar 2015)
Sangeang Api (Indonesia): weak lava extrusion from summit crater (updated 11 Nov 2015)
Sirung (Pantar Island, Indonesia ): degassing (updated 10 Jul 2015)
Slamet (Central Java): steam emissions (updated 12 Jan 2015)
Soputan (North Sulawesi, Indonesia): strong eruption 4-6 Jan 2016 (updated 26 Oct 2015)
Telica (Nicaragua): degassing (updated 5 Dec 2015)
Turrialba (Costa Rica): sporadic ash emissions, weak crater glow (updated 9 Dec 2015)
Ubinas (Peru): occasional explosions (updated 13 Nov 2015)
Ulawun (New Britain, Papua New Guinea): degassing, ash venting (updated 5 Aug 2013)



Posted by: Lin Kerns <>


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