Congratulations to The Volcano Vista CONCERT BAND for receiving superior performance ratings and 2nd Place at the NMAA State Band Contest. Great job concert band! If you would like to see a video of the concert band performance, come to the band room at lunch today
BSU: There will be a BSU meeting on Tuesday, April 25th, during lunch in Mrs. Vasquez' classroom, H-206. See you all there
Attention staff and students, administrators will be coming around this week during 4th period to recognize students that received a 3.5 GPA or higher for the 4th 6 weeks grading period. Close to 500 students are receiving this recognition, which is close to 25% of the school. Also, we will be honoring students who made significant efforts in one or more classes with an Upward Bound Certificate. Congratulations to all students that are receiving this honor, keep up the great work.
YEARBOOKS will be on sale all week in A115 at lunch for $70.00. Buy now. We sold out last year.
THE LITERARY MAGAZINE is printed and ready for sale! For only $5 you can own your very own Literary created by VVHS students. Find a creative writing student or visit Ms. Montoya's room in G201 to purchase your copy today.
OPEN MIC NIGHT is almost here! Poets, Musicians, and Dancers get ready to perform on April 28th from 6:00-9:00 in the black box. The cost is $5. The sign-up sheet will be in Mr. Zimmerman's room, H115 beginning on April 24th. Can't wait to see you there!
The FBI Albuquerque Division is accepting applications for its Teen Academy, which will run June 21-23, 2017. Applications must be received by 5 p.m. Wednesday, April 26, 2017. The FBI Teen Academy gives rising 11th and 12th graders an opportunity to learn about today's FBI. Candidates must be in the 11th or 12th grade for the 2017-18 school year. Anyone wanting more details should send a request to
Seniors: Please check the fines list posted outside the bookroom and pay Ms. Brown in the bookroom by May 12th.
SENIOR T-SHIRTS will go on sale today for $10.00 during lunch in the activities office. This is your ticket to the senior picnic on May 2nd.
GOLF will play in the District tournament at Twin Warriors Golf Course tomorrow.
BASEBALL will play Piedra Vista at 4 tomorrow
SOFTBALL will play at Piedra Vista at 4 tomorrow.
And remember
As always
It's Great to be a Hawk!
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