A rash of fires that broke out amid high winds and hot weather continued to burn across Northern California on Monday, with fire crews working through the night to try to contain the blazes.
Here is a roundup of the latest fire information:
Pawnee Fire
What's happened: Gov. Jerry Brown declared a state of emergency because of the blaze, which has destroyed 22 structures and threatened 600 more. The Federal Emergency Management Agency has approved two Fire Management Assistant Grants for the state of California to fight the Pawnee fire and the Creek fires, according to a tweet made by the official FEMA Region 9 Twitter account. At least 237 firefighters were continuing firefighting efforts Monday, using seven dozers and two helicopters, according to Cal Fire. New Long Valley Road and Old Long Valley Road are closed at Highway 20. Additional resources were on their way to the fire Monday morning, Cal Fire said.
Size: 11,500 acres, as of 12:45p.m. Tuesday. Cal Fire estimates that at least 300 of those acres are in the Mendocino National Forest.
Containment: 5 percent, as of 12:45p.m. Tuesday
Evacuation updates: A mandatory evacuation order is in effect for the community of Spring Valley, which has a population of 845 people. Lower Lake High School near Highway 53 has opened as an evacuation shelter, and animal staging is available at the Social Service Center on Anderson Ranch Parkway.
An evacuation advisory warning has extended to Colusa County for Bear Valley, Brim Road, Wilbur Springs and east of Walker Ridge areas.
Lane Fire
Where: Tehama County, off Highway 36 in Paynes Creek
What's happened: Firefighters have continued to build containment lines around the fire, which threatens 200 structures, but steep terrain and hot weather have made firefighting difficult, Cal Fire said. More than 1,100 firefighters were battling the blaze Monday, along with six helicopters and 13 dozers to reinforce containment and suppress the flames.
Size: 3,829 acres, as of 12:39 p.m. Tuesday
Containment: 45 percent, as of 12:39 p.m. Tuesday
Evacuation updates: The previous evacuation warning for Ponderosa Sky Ranch and Paynes Creek communities was lifted as of noon Tuesday.
Stoll Fire
Where: Tehama County, Stoll Road and Baker Road, west of Red Bluff
What's happened: Fire crews checked the forward spread of the fire and continue to "make good progress," Cal Fire said.
Size: 268 acres, as of 7 a.m. Tuesday
Containment: 75 percent, as of 7 a.m. Tuesday
Evacuation updates: Residents of Baker, Paskenta, Wilder and Stoll roads were evacuated after the fire started Saturday, but some evacuees were returning to their homes Monday morning, Cal Fire said. Red Bluff Community Center is serving as an evacuation center, the Red Cross said in a press release Sunday.
Creek Fire
Where: Shasta County, Clear Creek Road and American Road, west of Redding
What's Happened: Three strike teams consisting of crews from the city of Sacramento, Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District, Folsom, Cosumnes, West Sacramento and Sutter County were also sent to assist in containing the Creek and Bascom Fires, said Capt. Chris Vestal, Metro Fire spokesperson. Two of the strike teams were type III, which are specifically used to fight vegetation fires, and the other was type I, which specializes in structural fires, Vestal said. Each strike team typically consists of five engines with four crew members per engine, a strike team leader and a strike team leader trainee, Vestal said.
Size: 1,350 acres, as of 1 p.m. Tuesday
Containment: 60 percent, as of 1 p.m. Tuesday
Evacuation Updates:
As of 7 p.m. on Monday, evacuation orders were lifted for residents of all roads off Heavenly Valley, Oak St, China Gulch, all residents on Cloverdale Rd between Clover Marie Ln and Oak St, all roads off Gas Point Rd south of Clear Creek Dr, and all residents of Cloverdale Rd west of Cloverdale Trailhead.
On Sunday evening Clover Marie Lane, Willow Springs Road, Pine Meadows Place, Diana Way, Clover Lorrie Lane, Heavenly Valley Lane, Zandell Road, Renee Court and Peach Tree Lane were all evacuated. The West Valley High School Cafeteria was serving as an evacuation center Monday morning, according to the Shasta County Sheriff's Department. Check the Shasta County Sheriff's Twitter account for the latest information.
Bascom Fire
Where: Shasta County, off Bascom Road and Highway 44, in Millville
Size: 328 acres, as of 9:30 a..m. Tuesday
Containment: 100 percent, as of 9:30 a.m. Tuesday
Evacuation updates: No evacuation orders have been released by Cal Fire.
As of 8:30 a.m. Monday, there were no orders to send more personnel from the Sacramento region to the fires, Vestal said.
Flat Fire
Where: Tuolumne County, Highway 49 and Marshes Flat Road, in the community of Moccasin
What's Happened: Cal Fire said the spread of the fire had been stopped and it no longer threatened any structures. Highway 59 is closed to through traffic at Highway 20 through Monday, according to The Modesto Bee.
Size: 163 acres, as of 7 a.m. Tuesday
Containment: 70percent, as of 7 a.m. Tuesday
Evacuation updates: Mandatory evacuations were ordered Sunday afternoon and lifted at 8 p.m. that same day.
Shippee Fire
Where: Butte County, Midway Road and Esquon Road, southeast of Durham
What's happened: Butte County Fire Department responded with 7 engines, 3 water tenders, 1 dozer and overheads support, according to information shared by the fire department on Twitter. Forward progress was stopped and no structures were threatened according to the fire department.
Size: 350 acres, as of 2:30 p..m. Tuesday
Containment: 50 percent, as of 2:30 p.m. Tuesday
Horse Fire
Where: Calaveras County, Horsehoe Road and Stagecoach Drive, near Copperopolis
Size: 80 acres, as of 7 a.m. Tuesday
Containment: 95 percent, as of 7 a.m. Tuesday
Evacuations Update: All evacuation orders for the Horse Fire have been lifted, according to Cal Fire.
Source: https://www.sacbee.com/news/state/california/fires/article213780234.htmlPosted by: Kim Noyes <kimnoyes@gmail.com>
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