Thank you so much for that thorough update on the Camp Fire.. I'm on the road right now and barely able to keep up with this on Twitter. Please keep us posted!
On Fri, Nov 9, 2018 at 5:09 AM Pamela Alley [SCANnorCAL] <> wrote:
Sad day today; the Camp fire has done immense damage.
At last word, Paradise is essentially gone. Fire was burning along almost every escape route, and between them as well. Feather River Hospital has been reported as a loss (uncertain as to whether in part or in total); many, many, many residences have been lost. At one point, scanner traffic noted that 'every commercial building on Skyway, from Wagstaff down into Paradise, is on fire'.
Multiple deaths seem likely in this incident; at one time or another up to 400 civilians were stranded in various parts of Paradise, unable to evacuate due to gridlock, fire, or both. The vast majority were successfully extracted; there were multiple burn injuries of significant extent reported at various times through the day Thursday.
Fire came up out of the canyon into upper Bidwell near the Stony Fire imprint, which did not seem to slow it down much. Fire continued to head north toward Hwy 32 and east toward Chico.
At this point, east Chico is being evacuated from approximately Bruce Road east.
Fire also ran out Durham-Pentz and jumped Hwy 99; the area from 149 to Chico and west to Midway including Durham is under evacuation. Fire was also located at Openshaw near 149. The area from Hwy 70 to the lake including Cherokee to Table Mountain Blvd is under mandatory evacuation; the area west through Thermalito is under an evacuation advisory at this time.
Currently, Magalia is getting pounded--fire is in many areas and civilians are requiring assistance to leave the area.
Please send good thoughts to these folks--they can sure use it.
Posted by: Kim Noyes <>
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