Mill Fire, Day 2, 7/31/19
As of 11:38 am LPNF posted this: "#MillFire has burned approximately 300 acres. Overnight it chewed through the retardant line. More than 300 firefighters on scene. @LosPadresNF will be ordering a team to assist with suppression."
Also, there is finally an inciweb post on this fire, which they hope to have contained by tomorrow 11 pm. This is what it says: "The Mill Fire was reported at 5:36 a.m. on July 30, 2019 on Mill Creek, north west of the Ventana Wilderness off of Nacimiento Ferguson Road. As of this morning, 280 acres have burned with 10% containment. The fire is burning in chaparral, timber and tall grass. It is burning in steep and rugged terrain. Currently, there is no threat to communities, structures or to the public. Access into the area via roads and trails has been closed off.
There are currently 482 resources assigned to the fire, including:
Crews – 14
Engines – 30
Type 1 Helicopters – 3
Type 2 Helicopters – 2
Tankers – various
Lead planes – 2
Air Attack – 7"
11:28 am —

Current photo (10:55 am)

9:15: There she goes!

8:45 am — fire is kicking up. Cone Peak Rd. is threatened. Here is what it looks like now. BTW, got the time changed on my DSLR so it is now accurate to a minute or two.

8:30 am — This morning is starting out quiet, but no photos, yet. One big concern today is that the fire is pushing up against Cone Peak Rd. today, so that will be the area to watch. I may take a trip out to Prewitt later today, depending on what I see and hear. Gathering intel now. Links:
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