Hawai'i bibliographic database
Hawai'i bibliographic database updated
The Hawai'i bibliographic database was originally described nearly 15 years ago
(Wright, T.L., and Takahashi, T.J., 1998, Hawai'i bibliographic database: Bulletin of
Volcanology, v. 59, no. 4, p. 276-280) and is updated several times yearly. The current
file was last updated on 3/29/2012 and contains over 16,000 references.
The database contains everything written about the Hawaiian-Emperor chain of
islands and seamounts. For references derived from modern publications we include
abstracts, including stand-alone abstracts from meetings. The content of earlier
references are annotated in the abstract field of the database. All articles are keyworded
and the keyword structure is contained in a separate file (see below).
The senior author is most familiar with the fields of petrology, geochemistry,
seismology, geodesy (ground deformation) and non-seismic geophysics (keyword "nsg"
covers gravity, magnetism, electricity and sound). Articles in these fields often
have more specific keywords. Articles in other fields have a general keyword
(e.g., "hydrology") that allows the user to find articles of interest using the general
keyword and more specific terms contained in the title or abstract.
Our aim is to make the database of use to (1) anyone interested in studying Hawai'i's
volcanoes, or (2) anyone for whom knowledge of what is known and not known about
Hawai'i's volcanoes would be of use in his or her study of other volcanic provinces. To
this end we have broadened the database to include the following:
1. Hawaiian archaeology and anthropology articles that refer to the volcanic
2. Broader studies of the partial melting process, thermal plumes, and Pacific plate
tectonics as these processes relate to the underpinnings of Hawaiian volcanism.
3. Speleology. Articles that interpret the formation of lava tubes are included in
the main database. More popular speleological literature is included in a separate
speleological database.
4. Geochemical and petrologic methods, including computer programs. Method
papers in other disciplines are included only if they are applied to Hawaiian
5. New chemical and age data are keyworded by using "data.new"
followed by ".mox" (major oxides), ".trace" (followed by a list of trace-element
abbreviations), ".iso" (followed by a list of isotopic system abbreviations) and ".age"
(followed by a list of dating method abbreviations).
The Hawai'i bibliographic database can be downloaded from the following site. One
may have to go only as far as the /pub/, then select the remaining sequence:
The databases are contained in the folder labeled "hbibdatabases." Other files are as
Readmefirst.txt-a text file containing download instructions
Hawbibinfo.mac-files that can be opened in Microsoft word containing the
keyword lexicon ("hawbibkwrd.rtf"), keywords listed alphabetically ("bibkeyword.txt"),
information on the contents of the database ("hawbibinfo.rtf") and an index to
the contents of the early publications of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory
("vlesphvoindex.rtf") collected in the following two publications: Fiske, R.S., Simkin,
T., and Nielsen, E.A., eds., 1987, The Volcano Letter: Washington, DC, Smithsonian
Institution Press, 539 p. [Compiled and reprinted; originally published, 1925-1955,
by the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory] and Bevens, D., Takahashi, T.J., and Wright,
T.L., eds., 1988, The early serial publications of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory,
3 v.: Hawai'i National Park, Hawai'i Natural History Association, v. 1, 565 p.; v. 2,
1273 p.; v. 3, 1224 p
The database is read by the EndNote bibliographic database program. A
Demo version of the program can be downloaded at http://www.endnote.com/
endemo.asp, and this can be used to search and print, or to purchase for full
use. Styles and preferences that we use in the USGS are contained in the folder
labeled "EndNoteprefsUSGSstyles/".
We hope that this database will be useful to the recipients of the volcanolistserv.
Thomas L. Wright
Jane Takahashi
[ Volcano ]
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