Yellow permits only will be allowed to park in the north lot. Students with blue permit must park in the south lot or their vehicle will be tag and booted. Also students with no permit will be tagged and booted
Attention all seniors: DO YOU WANT YOUR ARTWORK TO BE PART OF THE VVHS PERMANENT DISPLAY? Now is your opportunity to submit a piece of your original artwork to the awards committee at VVHS. The committee will choose one 2D and one 3D piece to be purchased for VVHS. The student artists whose work is selected will receive a $100 honorarium from the VVHS Parent Advisory. Who is eligible? Senior Artists from VVHS (students do not need to be currently enrolled in an Art class). What kind of work is eligible? Drawings, Paintings, Photography, Computer Graphics, Mixed Media, Ceramics and Sculpture. Artwork must be original and copy right free. No artworkwill be accepted if not original or if copyright infringement is present. For more information and to pick up an application please stop by the activities office.
The City of Albuquerque is now hiring lifeguards for the summer! If you have been ever been interested in becoming a lifeguard, now is the time! The City is offering Red Cross lifeguard classes at West Mesa Aquatic Center. If interested, please check the city website for times and dates or call the pool directly at 836-8718.
Congressional Art Competition 2012. U.S. Representative Martin Heinrich will once again sponsor the Congressional Art Competition, "100 Years of New Mexico Traditions," for high school students throughout the First Congressional District of New Mexico. Every year, each member of Congress is given the opportunity to choose one piece from their Congressional District to display in the Cannon Tunnel, a thoroughfare on the way to the United States Capitol used by many visitors and Members of Congress. The winner from the First District will also be invited to Washington, D.C. to meet with Rep. Heinrich and attend the annual ceremony in June. The Congressional Art Competition is open to all high school students who live in the First Congressional District and the deadline for submission is Monday, April 30, 2012. This year's theme is "100 Years of New Mexico Traditions." For more information please stop by the Activities Office.
ELECTIONS: Sign-ups for Student Body Officers in the Activities Office. Anyone interested please stop by the activities office and pick up the forms. There will be a meeting today during lunch in the activities office for all candidates. The election will take place on Tuesday April 3rd.
Attention all AP students!!! If you plan to take an AP exam in May you must register and pay for your exam this week!!! Please see your AP teacher or Mrs. Futey in E224 if you have any questions.
Attention all boys interested in playing soccer, there will be an informational meeting today, March 21 during lunch in A109.
Attention Class of 2012: We will be having a meeting in Room F210 today at lunch. Important information to be shared. Please attend.
National Honor Society Community Service Project Reminder! During the week of April 2nd through April 5th NHS will be cleaning the school at the end of lunch. On Monday and Wednesday Seniors will be cleaning and on Tuesday and Thursday Juniors will be cleaning. The sign-up sheets are posted outside of room E203. Sign-up for a day to fulfill your community service requirement for the semester.
Faculty/Staff and students, administrators will be coming by during 5th period this week to recognize students that received a 3.5 GPA or HIGHER for the Fall semester. Close to 20% of the student body at VVHS had a 3.5 GPA or higher for the 1st 6-week grading period of the spring semester. Congratulations to all these students and the schoolchallenges all of our students to strive for a 3.5 GPA or higher.
SBA testing begins next week. We will test all day on Tues., March 27th, Wed. March 28th, and until 11:30 am on Thurs., March 29th. Students who are sophomores or are in their second year of high school will test on Tues. and Wed. but not Thurs. Students who are juniors or are in their third year of high school will test all three days. Check the alphabetical list posted in the hallway to find the classroom you are assigned to for testing. If you are a senior, and you are not sure whether you have to take the SBA, check the alphabetical list posted in the school's hallways. Seniors who MUST take the SBA include those who didn't take it last year, or students who will NOT graduate this spring or in summer school. Testing seniors will test all three days. Bring your calculator on Wed. for the SBA math tests. (Calculators with wireless access are NOT be allowed.) Please arrive at school by 7:30 am. Buses will run on their regular schedule. The SBA is a graduation requirement, so please get plenty rest the night before. Eat breakfast, and it will be easier to do your best.
- The girls tennis team will play Sandia Thursday at our school courts and the boys will play at Sandia
- Baseball will play on Thursday at Atrisco Heritage at 4:00.
- Softball will play the Albuquerque Bulldogs at AHS at 4 on Thursday.
And remember
As always…
It's great to be a Hawk!
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