Saturday, January 10, 2015

[californiadisasters] Cal Fire: Black Fire sparked by chain saw on marijuana growing property

Willits firefighters responded to fast moving fire

By Adam Randall

Posted:   01/09/2015 10:23:41 PM PST

The mid-September Black Fire, which tore through 403 acres, injured three firefighters, destroyed five residences, two firetrucks and six outbuildings on Black Bart Trail between Redwood and Potter valleys, was started by a chain saw by three out-of-state men who had been hired by the property owner in a marijuana growing operation, according to Cal Fire's Mendocino Unit, which detailed the findings in a report.

Colby Robinson, of Cleveland, Tenn., and owner of the 21 acres on Black Bart Trail, employed Gregory Celentano, of Maryville, Tenn., Gregory Ziebell, of Cleveland, Tenn. and Trevor Barnett, of Franklin, N.C., for "summer growing of marijuana, other work and general maintenance on his property," Cal Fire discovered during its investigation.

A house, garage and storage area, marijuana garden and greenhouse occupied the property owned by Robinson, Cal Fire stated. It was unclear in Cal Fire's report what the greenhouse contained prior to the fire. However, incident investigator Bob Farias noted the presence of 25 marijuana plants on the scene.

All three men told Farias they were cutting an oak tree on the property which was blocking a small road leading to the greenhouse. The men apparently left the site for nearly an hour, in which time the fire started and spread to nearby vegetation.

Ziebell told the investigator he was first on the scene and attempted to extinguish the fire, which was small at that time. Barnett estimated the blaze was initially six feet by six feet in size, and noticed the discoloration of the wood while cutting, which he attributed to the dull chain on the chain saw. Farias' report also stated Barnett observed sparks flying from rocks that were being hit during the operation.

Celentano said despite witnessing that the chain saw was becoming hot, the crew continued to fuel the device and kept cutting.

A Black Bart Trail resident who lived downhill from the incident-involved property, said she heard a chain saw being operated before the flames broke out, the report stated.

The four violations that were noted in the report indicate that the owner and workers of the property could potentially be liable for all related damages, including picking up the tab for the fire suppression costs, in addition to the expense of providing rescue or emergency medical services.

A call and e-mail to Cal Fire on Tuesday seeking the status, or possible specified charges or fines of the involved men wasn't immediately returned.

Mandatory evacuations related to the four-day long fire displaced residents from their homes, including those who returned to find the roof that was once above their head reduced to a pile of smoldering rubble.

During the blaze, Cal Fire said three firefighters sustained injuries; one Ukiah Valley Fire Authority District fire engine and one Cal Fire utility pickup truck were destroyed and an additional Cal Fire engine sustained heat damage. The Redwood Valley-Calpella Volunteer Fire Department also noted at the time that one of its engines was destroyed by the fire.

Hundreds of emergency personnel joined Cal Fire on the scene, including from Willits, Brooktrails and Laytonville along with fire departments from as far away as Cloverdale.



Posted by: Kim Noyes <>

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