CNF = Cleveland National Forest
FRA = Federal Responsibility Area
ICT = Incident Command Team
IMT = Incident Management Team
NIMO = Northwest Incident Management Team
PL = Preparedness Level
SHF = Shasta-Trinity National Forest
SNF = Sierra National Forest
SQF = Sequoia National Forest
SRA = State Responsibility Area
TCU = Tuolumne-Calaveras Unit CALFIRE
07/31/2015 - 6:10 p.m.
Cabin CA-SQF-002313, Tulare County, Update
Golden Trout Wilderness area
2,000 Acres, 0% contained, heavy timber
No structure threats.
CA Interagency IMT Team 1 (McGowan) inbriefed at 1000 hrs this morning and will assume command at 0600 August 1, 2015.
Fire is in a no retardant and no mechanical equipment zone.
A 6 hour hike is required for ground resources to reach fire.
Trails within the fire area have been closed by Forest Order.
Wilderness Permits are being examined to confirm permittees have been contacted or evacuated.
Willow, CA-SNF-001689, Vegetation Fire, Madera County, Update
Willow Canyon Dr. X Rd 274 – North Fork area
4,394 Acres, heavy brush and timber, 40% Contained
South Central Sierra Interagency IMT (Cooper) is in Unified Command with CAL FIRE (Smith)
Evacuations remain unchanged.
Structure protection of Cascadel, Central Camp, and Bass Lake subdivisions.
An Evacuation Center has been established in Oakhurst at the Oakhurst Community Center.
Critical resources requested are needed to abate imminent structure threat by building contingency line
and providing structure protection.
Fire growth as offset containment progress explaining the lack of increase in containment percentage.
Big Creek CA-TCU-007806, Tuolumne County, Update
Location: Sprague Rd E x Highway 120 east of the community of Groveland
State DPA, FRA
204 acres, timber, 45% contained
25 structures were evacuated. Crews are working to gain containment.
Threat to commercial timber, Hetch Hetchy Water and Power, PG&E infrastructure,
and Tuolumne Wild and Scenic River drainage.
Cutca, CA-CNF-002466, San Diego County, Update
Cutca Trail, Palomar Mountain
150 Acres, 90% Contained
Type 3 ICT (Forster/Hill)
No change in conditions.
This will be the final report, unless conditions change.
07/31/2015 - 5:00 p.m. Predictive services Podcast (weather) will be avaliable tomorrow at its regulary scheduled time.
07/31/2015 - 1:00 p.m.
North Ops is PL4, MACS Mode3; vonTillow, River Complex SHF; Young, NorCal, Fork Complex SHF; Kurth, NorCal, Frog Fire MDF; Walker, SoCal, Mad River Complex SRF; Garwood, SoCal, Prepo to McClellan
Quisenberry's NIMO Team assigned to the SHF; Area Command Staged at McClellan
07/31/2015 - 11:10 a.m. The National Preparedness Level has increased to 3 due to increased fire activity.
07/31/2015 - 8:00 a.m.
Cabin CA-SQF-002313, Tulare County, Update
Golden Trout Wilderness area
1,900 Acres, 0% contained, heavy timber
No structure threats.
CA Interagency IMT Team 1 (McGowan) has been mobed with a tentative inbrief at 1000 today at Springville Ranger Station.
Fire is in a no retardant and no mechanical equipment zone.
A 6 hour hike is required for ground resources to reach fire.
Approximately 22 youth campers voluntarily evacuated from their out camp at Lion Meadows back to their main camp.
Willow, CA-SNF-001689, Vegetation Fire, Madera County, Update
Willow Canyon Dr. X Rd 274 – North Fork area
4,394 Acres, heavy brush and timber, 30% Contained
South Central Sierra Interagency IMT (Cooper) is in Unified Command with CAL FIRE (Smith)
Evacuations remain unchanged.
Structure protection of Cascadel, Central Camp, and Bass Lake subdivisions.
To reduce the logistical complexities associated with travel distances the fire has been separated
into two geographic and one functional branch.
An Evacuation Center has been established in Oakhurst at the Oakhurst Community Center.
Big Creek CA-TCU-007806, Tuolumne County, Update
Location: Sprague Rd E x Highway 120 east of the community of Groveland
State DPA, FRA
204 acres, timber,34% contained
25 structures were evacuated. Crews are working to gain containment.
Threat to commercial timber, Hetch Hetchy Water and Power, PG&E infrastructure,
and Tuolumne Wild and Scenic River drainage.
Cutca, CA-CNF-002466, San Diego County, Update
Cutca Trail, Palomar Mountain
150 Acres, 85% Contained
Type 3 ICT (Forster/Hill)
No change in conditions.
07/30/2015 - 7:00 p.m.
Cabin CA-SQF-002313, Tulare County, Update
Golden Trout Wilderness area
800 Acres, 0% contained, heavy timber
No structure threats.
CA Interagency IMT Team 1 (McGowan) has been mobed with a tentative inbrief at 1000 tomorrow at Springville Ranger Station.
Fire is in a no retardant and no mechanical equipment zone.
A 6 hour hike is required for ground resources to reach fire.
Nine campers were evacuated by helicopter from Pecks Cabin, private property within wilderness area,
back to Peppermint Helibase.
Reduction in acreage is due to improved visibility.
Willow, CA-SNF-001689, Vegetation Fire, Madera County, Update
Willow Canyon Dr. X Rd 274 – North Fork area
3,383 Acres, heavy brush and timber, 30% Contained
South Central Sierra Interagency IMT (Cooper) is in Unified Command with CAL FIRE (Smith)
Evacuations remain unchanged.
Structure protection of Cascadel, Central Camp, and Bass Lake subdivisions.
To reduce the logistical complexities associated with travel distances the fire has been separated
into two geographic and one functional branch.
An Evacuation Center has been established in Oakhurst at the Oakhurst Community Center.
Big Creek CA-TCU-007806, Tuolumne County, Update
Location: Sprague Rd E x Highway 120 east of the community of Groveland
State DPA, FRA
204 acres, timber, 5% contained
25 structures were evacuated. Crews are working to gain containment.
Threat to commercial timber, Hetch Hetchy Water and Power, PG&E infrastructure,
and Tuolumne Wild and Scenic River drainage.
Cutca, CA-CNF-002466, San Diego County, Update
Cutca Trail, Palomar Mountain
150 Acres, 85% Contained
Type 3 ICT (Forster/Hill)
No change in conditions.
07/30/2015 - 8:30 a.m.
Big Creek CA-TCU-007806, Tuolumne County, Update
Location: Sprague Rd E x Highway 120 east of the community of Groveland
State DPA, FRA
150 acres, timber, 5% contained
Dangerous Rate of Spread
Threat to structures on Sprague Road and Hells Hollow Road, evacuations in progress
Road closure on Highway 120
Cabin CA-SQF-002313, Tulare County, Update
Location: Golden Trout Wilderness area
350 Acres, 0% contained, heavy timber
No structure threats.
Fire is in a no retardant and no mechanical equipment zone.
A 6 hour hike is required for ground resources to reach fire.
Cutca, CA-CNF-002466, San Diego County, Update
Cutca Trail, Palomar Mountain
150 Acres, 80% Contained
Type 3 ICT (Forster/Hill)
No change in conditions.
Willow, CA-SNF-001689, Vegetation Fire, Madera County, Update
Willow Canyon Dr. X Rd 274 – North Fork area
3,383 Acres, heavy brush and timber, 30% Contained
South Central Sierra Interagency IMT (Cooper) is in command
Evacuations remain unchanged.
Structure protection of Cascadel, Central Camp, and Bass Lake subdivisions.
Significant growth to the north past 7 Rock and to the south toward Peckinpah Creek
07/29/2015 - 6:30 p.m.
Big Creek CA-TCU-007806, Tuolumne County, New
Location: Sprague Rd E x Highway 120 east of the community of Groveland
State DPA, FRA
Start Time: 1630
10 acres, timber, 0% contained
Dangerous Rate of Spread
96 degrees,14% RH, wind NW @ 8, increase with gusts to 12
Threat to structures on Sprague Road and Hells Hollow Road, evacuations in progress
Road closure on Highway 120
VLAT requested by IC
Cabin CA-SQF-002313, Tulare County, New
Location: Golden Trout Wilderness area
Start Time: 1529
180-200 Acres, 0% contained, heavy timber
90 degrees, 16%RH, wind SE 2mph, gusts to 15mph
No structure threats.
Fire is in a no retardant zone.
A 6 hour hike is required for ground resources to reach fire.
Cutca, CA-CNF-002466, San Diego County, Update
Cutca Trail, Palomar Mountain
167 Acres, 80% Contained
Type 3 ICT (Forster/Hill)
Continue to hold and improve existing line, continue to look for spot fires.
Continue with backhaul, suppression and road repair.
Willow, CA-SNF-001689, Vegetation Fire, Madera County, Update
Willow Canyon Dr. X Rd 274 – North Fork area
2,077 Acres, heavy brush and timber, 30% Contained
South Central Sierra Interagency IMT (Cooper) is in command
Evacuations remain unchanged.
Evacuation advisory reissued to residents of Cascadel Woods.
Additional road closures are in effect due to the fire's progression today.
07/29/2015 - 7:40 a.m.
Cutca, CA-CNF-002466, San Diego County, Update
Cutca Trail, Palomar Mountain
167 Acres, 75% Contained
Incident has transitioned to a CNF Type 3 organization (Forster/ Hill) today at 0600.
A close out with Wakoski is planned for 1000.
Willow, CA-SNF-001689, Vegetation Fire, Madera County, Update
Willow Canyon Dr. X Rd 274 � North Fork area
2,077 Acres, heavy brush and timber, 30% Contained
South Central Sierra Interagency IMT (Cooper) is in command
Evacuations remain unchanged
07/28/2015 - 6:00 p.m.
Cutca, CA-CNF-002466, San Diego County, Update
Cutca Trail, Palomar Mountain
167 Acres, 75% Contained
SOCAL IMT #3 Wakoski remains in command of the incident
SOCAL IMT #3 is tentatively scheduled to transition with a local Type 3 organization Wednesday, July 29th at 0600.
Willow, CA-SNF-001689, Vegetation Fire, Madera County, Update
Willow Canyon Dr. X Rd 274 � North Fork area
1,739 Acres, heavy brush and timber, 30% Contained
South Central Sierra Interagency IMT (Cooper) is in command
Evacuations remain unchanged
A community meeting is planned for tonight at 1900 hours
07/28/2015 - 7:50 a.m.
Cutca, CA-CNF-002466, San Diego County, Update
Cutca Trail, Palomar Mountain
167 Acres, 75% Contained
SOCAL IMT #3 Wakoski remains in command of the incident
SOCAL IMT #3 is tentatively scheduled to transition with a local Type 3 organization Wednesday, July 29th at 0600.
Willow, CA-SNF-001689, Vegetation Fire, Madera County, Update
Willow Canyon Dr. X Rd 274 � North Fork area
1,739 Acres, heavy brush and timber, 5% Contained
South Central Sierra Interagency IMT (Cooper) is in command.
Evacuations remain unchanged.
Smoke continues to impact Mammoth, Inyo County and the San Joaquin Valley.
Posted by: Kim Noyes <>
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