Congratulations to this week's SOAR drawing winners. The following students have been recognized by our staff for exhibiting Volcano Vista core values - Safety, Organization, Achievement and Respect. All winners this week receive Hawk Spirit Wear.
Jacklyn Gallegos- Recognized by Ms. Minor
Jamila Zamir - Recognized by Mr. Zimmerman
Jonathan Alarcon - Recognized by Mrs. Zielinkski
Ariel Torres- Recognized by Mrs. Wylie
Jasmine Elfers - Recognized by Mrs. Lucero-Ranke
A special congratulations goes out to 4 of our Volcano Vista Seniors. Congratulations Jeremy Luke, Jacqueline Goss, Thao Nguyen and Alexis Trujillo for your recent acceptance to the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Student Board of Directors Program! Keep up the good work and we look forward to you sharing your experience with our school!
Fashion Club meets today @ lunch in Miss Rossi's room A107 to discuss club activities and fashion show. We need models and those who want to shop and talk fashion.
SPOOK-O-GRAM Want to give your friend a trick or treat for Halloween? Buy a spook-o-gram for $1.00 during lunch in the lower E- hall eatery the week of October 26th.
BSU: There will be a meeting today during lunch.
CANNED FOOD DRIVE: Senate is sponsoring a canned food drive to benefit Road Runner Food Bank. You may bring donations to the activities office. The drive will end on November 6th.
Food in Classrooms - Students and Staff: please do not eat, drink or leave food in the classrooms. This is a health concern and may cause insects to gather in your rooms. Thank you in advance.
VOLLEYBALL: Tonight is the last game of the regular season. We play Santa Fe at 6:30. This is also senior night.
GIRLS BASKETBALL tryouts will be November 2-4 after school 2:45-4:30pm. Anyone interested needs to have a current APS physical and insurance information turned in to be able to try out. See Coach Villareal in F202 or Coach Dominguez in E104.
Have a great day
And remember
As always…
It's great to be a Hawk!
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