Best Buddies will have its Halloween match party on Friday during lunch in room H115. Come by and meet your buddy!
SPOOK-O-GRAM Want to give your friend a trick or treat for Halloween? Buy a spook-o-gram for $1.00 during lunch in the lower E- hall eatery the week of October 26th.
CANNED FOOD DRIVE: Senate is sponsoring a canned food drive to benefit Road Runner Food Bank. You may bring donations to the activities office. The drive will end on November 6th.
Hip Hop Club will have the next meeting this Friday at 2:30- 3:30 after school MEETING IN H HALL. Please bring appropriate dance attire, and also anyone still interest is still welcomed to come!
Food in Classrooms - Students and Staff: please do not eat, drink or leave food in the classrooms. This is a health concern and may cause insects to gather in your rooms. Thank you in advance.
GIRLS BASKETBALL tryouts will be November 2-4 after school 2:45-4:30pm. Anyone interested needs to have a current APS physical and insurance information turned in to be able to try out. See Coach Villareal in F202 or Coach Dominguez in E104.
Congratulations to the DIRTY BIRD WRESTLERS who participated in the 2015 Las Vegas Freakshow Preseason Nationals. The club team finished in the top 30 teams out of over 500 other clubs. We had two national placers Dante Romero in the 15 & Under 220lb Division and Marcus Santillanes who is Volcano's first wrestler to ever place in this Prestigious Tournament's Elite division. He took fifth place in the 106lb Bracket. For those interested in wrestling please contact Coach Ahren Griego for wrestling information. Wrestling season starts this upcoming Monday, NOV 2nd.
FOOTBALL has their last game of the regular season on Friday at Santa Fe High School at 7pm.
XC has their district meet on Saturday at 9am
GIRLS SOCCER plays Clovis at the Soccer Complex at 5pm on Friday. This is the first round of the state tournament. Good Luck Ladies. As always thanks for all the support.
Have a great day
And remember
As always…
It's great to be a Hawk!
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