CA-MDF Parker 2 Fire: 2,200 acres, 5% contained. Extreme fire behavior, Crowning, torching, spotting is observed. There are threats to livestock and grazing lands. MAFF's and VLAT's have been assigned. Fire has spotted on to the Eastern side of the Warner Wilderness. Evacuations in progress for the communities of Granger and East Creek Basin
CA-MDF Parker 2 Fire: 2,200 acres, 5% contained. Extreme fire behavior, Crowning, torching, spotting is observed. There are threats to livestock and grazing lands. MAFF's and VLAT's have been assigned. 08/04/2017 1830 CA-PNF Minerva Fire: 2,625 acres, 43% contained. CA-IMT2 (Mills) assigned. Moderate fire behavior. Threats to communities of Quincy and Meadow Valley, water sheds, local infrastructure, communication sites, powerlines, major travel ways, Feather River College.
08/04/2017 1830
CA-MDF Modoc July Complex: 83,000 acres, 43% contained. CA-IMT1 (Kurth) in Unified Command with CALFIRE. Governor Brown has issued a State of Emergency Proclomation for Modoc County.The Cove fire is 30,886 acres and 18% contained. Mandatory evacuations will be evaluated for cancellation on 8/4/2017. Mandatory road closers will be re-evaluated 8/4/2017: Co. Rd. 87, Co. Rd. 90, Rush Creek Loop, and Rush Creek Camp Ground. The Steele fire is 45,690 acres with extreme fire behavior and long range spotting. There is a threat to livestock, and major power and gas infrastructure. Major communications site for fire and law enforcement is threatened.
08/04/2017 1830
CA-SRF Orleans Fire: 3,159.7 acres, 5% contained. Moderate fire behavior. CA IMT 2 (Coots) in command of the Ukonom, Burney and Frank Fire. Six Rivers NF will retain control of the remaining fires with a Type 3 IC. Ukonom fire is 2,400 acres and 5% contained with a full suppression strategy. The Burney Fire is 513 acres, the Forks Fire is 230 acres. Threat to Ukonom Lookout, communications infrastructure, significant cultural and heritage sites for the Karuk Tribe, smoke impact on local residences and spotted owl habitat
08/04/2017 1830
CA-KNF Clear: 4,495 acres, 25% contained. Moderate fire behavior with backing, flanking and torching. Several trail and road closures are in effect in the fire area. No Mans Campground has been closed. Spotted Owl, Coho Salmon, and Steel head habitat is threatened. Historic and cultural resources remain threatened. 08/04/2017 1830 CA-SHF Sandy Fire: 32 acres, timber, 90% contained. Forward rate of spread stopped.
08/04/2017 1645
CA-MDF Parker 2 Fire: 1,800 acres, 5% contained. Crowning, torching, spotting is observed. There are threats to livestock and grazing lands. MAFF's have been assigned.
08/04/2017 1150
CA-MDF Parker 2 Fire: 1,500 acres, 0% contained. Crowning, torching, spotting is observed. There are threats to livestock and grazing lands. MAFF's have been assigned.
08/04/2017 0750
CA-MDF Parker 2 Fire: 700 acres grass, brush, timber, 2% contained. CA-IMT2 (Young) has been assigned, reporting to Alturas SO at 1600 today. Extreme rates of spread with long range spotting and crowning. A Type 2 IMT has been ordered. Pepperdine Campground have been evacuated. County Rd 56 and Parker Creek Rd are closed. Fire is burning towards the South Warner Wilderness.
08/04/2017 0750
CA-MDF Modoc July Complex: 83,000 acres, 43% contained. CA-IMT1 (Kurth) in Unified Command with CALFIRE. Governor Brown has issued a State of Emergency Proclomation for Modoc County.The Cove fire is 30,886 acres and 10% contained. Mandatory evacuations in place for Rush Creek and threat to the town of Adin remains. Mandatory road closers are: Co. Rd. 87, Co. Rd. 90, Rush Creek Loop, and Rush Creek Camp Ground. The Steele fire is 45,690 acres with extreme fire behavior and long range spotting. There is a threat to livestock, and major power and gas infrastructure. Major communications site for fire and law enforcement is threatened.
08/04/2017 0750
CA-PNF Minerva Fire: 2,304 acres, 43% contained. CA-IMT2 (Mills) assigned. Moderate fire behavior. Threats to communities of Quincy and Meadow Valley, water sheds, local infrastructure, communication sites, powerlines, major travel ways, Feather River College.
08/04/2017 0750
CA-SRF Orleans Fire: 2,337.7 acres, 3% contained. Moderate fire behavior. CA IMT 2 (Coots) in command of the Ukonom, Burney and Frank Fire. Six Rivers NF will retain control of the remaining fires with a Type 3 IC. Ukonom fire is 1,600 acres and 3% contained with a full suppression strategy. The Burney Fire is 513 acres, the Forks Fire is 208 acres. Threat to Ukonom Lookout, communications infrastructure, significant cultural and heritage sites for the Karuk Tribe, smoke impact on local residences and spotted owl habitat
08/04/2017 0750
CA-KNF Clear: 4,000 acres, 20% contained. Moderate fire behavior with backing, flanking and torching. Record breaking heat is causing issues to firefighters. Several trail and road closures are in effect in the fire area. No Mans Campground has been closed. Spotted Owl, Coho Salmon, and Steel head habitat is threatened. Historic and cultural resources remain threatened.
08/04/2017 0750
CA-SHF Sandy Fire: 37 acres, timber, 40% contained. Forward rate of spread stopped. Steep terrain continues to challenge firefighting efforts.
08/04/2017 0750
CA-HUU Saw Fire: 85 acres oak woodland, 100% contained, Forward rate of spread stopped, Structures threat has been mitigated
08/03/2017 1930
CA-MDF Parker 2 Fire: 350 acres grass, brush, timber, 0% contained. Extreme rates of spread with long range spotting and crowning. A Type 2 IMT has been ordered. Pepperdine Campground has been evacuated and County Rd 56 and Parker Creek Rd have been closed. Fire is burning towards the South Warner Wilderness.
08/03/2017 1830
CA-HUU Saw Fire: 85 acres oak woodland, 50% contained, Forward rate of spread stopped, Structures threat has been mitigated
08/03/2017 1830
CA-SHF Sandy Fire: 30 acres, timber, 10% contained. Forward rate of spread stopped. Steep terrain continues to challenge firefighting efforts.
08/03/2017 1830
CA-KNF Clear: 4,000 acres, 20% contained. Moderate fire behavior with backing, flanking and torching. Record breaking heat is causing issues to firefighters. Several trail and road closures are in effect in the fire area. No Mans Campground has been closed. Spotted Owl, Coho Salmon, and Steel head habitat is threatened. Historic and cultural resources remain threatened.
08/03/2017 1830
CA-SRF Orleans Fire: 2,337.7 acres, 3% contained. Moderate fire behavior. CA IMT 2 (Coots) in command of the Ukonom, Burney and Frank Fire. Six Rivers NF will retain control of the remaining fires with a Type 3 IC. Ukonom fire is 1,600 acres and 3% contained with a full suppression strategy. The Burney Fire is 513 acres, the Forks Fire is 208 acres. Threat to Ukonom Lookout, communications infrastructure, significant cultural and heritage sites for the Karuk Tribe, smoke impact on local residences and spotted owl habitat
08/03/2017 1830
CA-PNF Minerva Fire: 2,150 acres, 43% contained. CA-IMT2 (Mills) assigned. Moderate fire behavior. Threats to communities of Quincy and Meadow Valley, water sheds, local infrastructure, communication sites, powerlines, major travel ways, Feather River College.
08/03/2017 1830
CA-MDF Modoc July Complex: 80,365 acres, 40% contained. CA-IMT1 (Kurth) in Unified Command with CALFIRE. Govoner Brown has issued a State of Emergency Proclomation for Modoc County.The Cove fire is 28,740 acres and 10% contained. Mandatory evacuations in place for Rush Creek and threat to the town of Adin remains. Mandatory road closers are: Co. Rd. 87, Co. Rd. 90, Rush Creek Loop, and Rush Creek Camp Ground The Steele fire is 45,533 acres with extreme fire behavior and long range spotting. There is a threat to livestock, and major power and gas infrastructure. Major communications site for fire and law enforcement is threatened.
08/03/2017 1830
National Weather Service - Medford has issued a Red Flag Warning in effect from 1300Friday to 2100 Friday for strong gusty winds and low humidity. Effected areas include most of Modoc county and areas of the Modoc July Complex, Fire Weather Zones 285. Link
08/03/2017 1500
CA-MDF Parker 2 Fire: 12 acres grass, brush, timber, 0% contained. Extreme rate of spread. 08/03/2017 1415 CA-HUU Saw Fire: 50 acres oak woodland, 0% contained, Moderate rate of spread, Structures are threatened, Evacuations in progress
\08/03/2017 0730
CA-SHF Sandy Fire: 30 acres, timber, 0% contained. Low rate of spread. Steep terrain continues to challenge firefighting efforts.
08/03/2017 0730
CA-PNF Minerva Fire: 1,700 acres, 30% contained. CA-IMT2 (Mills) assigned. Moderate fire behavior. Threats to communities of Quincy and Meadow Valley, water sheds, local infrastructure, communication sites, powerlines, major travel ways, Feather River College.
08/03/2017 0730
CA-MDF Modoc July Complex: 80,365 acres, 40% contained. CA-IMT1 (Kurth) in Unified Command with CALFIRE. Govoner Brown has issued a State of Emergency Proclomation for Modoc County.The Cove fire is 28,740 acres and 10% contained. Mandatory evacuations in place for Rush Creek and threat to the town of Adin remains. Mandatory road closers are: Co. Rd. 87, Co. Rd. 90, Rush Creek Loop, and Rush Creek Camp Ground The Steele fire is 45,533 acres with extreme fire behavior and long range spotting. There is a threat to livestock, and major power and gas infrastructure. Major communications site for fire and law enforcement is threatened.
08/03/2017 0730 CA-MDF Cantrall Fire: 119 acres, 95% contained. Minimal fire activity
08/03/2017 0730
CA-KNF Clear: 3,500 acres, 15% contained. Moderate fire behavior with backing, flanking and torching. Record breaking heat is causing issues to firefighters. Spot fires caused issues on the eastern and western edges of the fire. Several trail and road closures are in effect in the fire area. No Mans Campground has been closed. Spotted Owl, Coho Salmon, and Steel head habitat is threatened. Historic and cultural resources remain threatened.
08/03/2017 0730
CA-SRF Orleans Fire: 1,627 acres, 0% contained. Moderate fire behavior. CA IMT 2 (Coots) in command of the Ukonom, Burney and Frank Fire. Six Rivers NF will retain control of the remaining fires with a Type 3 IC. Ukonom fire is 1,300 acres and 0% contained with a full suppression strategy. The Burney Fire is 110 acres, the Frank Fire is 13 acres and the Forks Fire is 200 acres. All three are being managed with a confine strategy. Threat to Ukonom Lookout, communications infrastructure, significant cultural and heritage sites for the Karuk Tribe, smoke impact on local residences and spotted owl habitat
08/02/2017 1920 CA-MDF Cantrall Fire: 119 acres, 95% contained. Minimal fire activity
08/02/2017 1920
CA-SRF Orleans Fire: 1,627 acres, 0% contained. Moderate fire behavior. CA IMT 2 (Coots) in command of Ukonom, Burney and Franks. Six Rivers NF will retain control of the remaining fires with a Type 3 IC. Ukonom fire is 1,300 acres and 0% contained with a full suppression strategy. The Burney Fire is 110 acres and the Forks Fire is 200 acres. Both are being managed with a confine strategy. Threat to Ukonom Lookout, communications infrastructure, significant cultural and heritage sites for the Karuk Tribe, smoke impact on local residences and spotted owl habitat
08/02/2017 1920
CA-MDF Modoc July Complex: 73,735 acres, 35% contained. CA-IMT1 (Kurth) in Unified Command with CALFIRE. The Cove fire is 22,644 acres and 10% contained. Mandatory evacuations in place for Rush Creek and threat to the town of Adin remains. The Steele fire is 44,731 acres with extreme fire behavior and long range spotting. There is a threat to livestock, and major power and gas infrastructure. Major communications site for fire and law enforcement is threatened.
08/02/2017 1920
CA-PNF Minerva Fire: 1,700 acres, 30% contained. CA-IMT2 (Mills) assigned. Moderate fire behavior. Threats to communities of Quincy and Meadow Valley, water sheds, local infrastructure, communication sites, powerlines, major travel ways, Feather River College.
08/02/2017 1920
CA-SHF Sandy Fire: 30 acres, timber, 10% contained. Low rate of spread. Steep terrain continues to challenge firefighting efforts.
08/02/2017 1920
CA-KNF Clear: 3,500 acres, 15% contained. Moderate fire behavior with backing, flanking and torching. Record breaking heat is causing issues to firefighters. Spot fires caused issues on the eastern and western edges of the fire. Several trail and road closures are in effect in the fire area. No Mans Campground has been closed. Spotted Owl, Coho Salmon, and Steel head habitat is threatened. Historic and cultural resources remain threatened.
CA-SHF Sandy Fire: 10 acres, timber, 0% contained. Moderate rate of spread. 80 degrees, 46% RH, wind ENE @ 2 mph, gusts to 3 In steep terrain with limited access. Smokejumpers assigned. Powerlines in area.
08/02/17 0730
CA-PNF Minerva Fire: 1,700 acres, 30% contained. CA-IMT2 (Mills) assigned. Moderate fire behavior with backing and active group torching. Threats to communities of Quincy and Meadow Valley, water sheds, local infrastructure, communication sites, powerlines, major travel ways, Feather River College. Evacuations are not expected
08/02/17 0730
CA-MDF Modoc July Complex: 73,735 approx. acres, 35% contained. Extreme fire behavior with uphill runs, torching and short range spotting. CA-IMT1 (Kurth) in Unified Command with CAL FIRE. CA-IMT1 (Kurth) has operational responsibility for all of the Modoc July Complex excluding the Warner Mountains. Cove Fire: 22,644 acres, 10% contained. Mandatory evacuations were issued for Rush Creek and Hwy 299 is threatened but remains open, A shelter is open at Bieber Memorial Hall. Threat to the community of Adin and Hwy 299 Corridor. A public meeting is tentatively scheduled for 8/2/2017 in Adin or Tule Lake.
08/01/17 1805
CA-SRF Orleans Fire: 1248.7 acres, 0% contained. Moderate fire behavior with backing and flanking. CA IMT 2 (Coots) in command of Ukonom. Six Rivers NF will retain control of the remaining fires with a Type 3 IC. Threat to Ukonom Lookout, communications infrastrucure, significant cultural and heritage sites for the Karuk Tribe, smoke impact on local residences and spotted owl habitat
08/01/17 1805
CA-MDF Modoc July Complex: 61,730 approx. acres, 35% contained. Extreme fire behavior with uphill runs, torching and short range spotting. CA-IMT1 (Kurth) in Unified Command with CAL FIRE. CA-IMT1 (Kurth) has operational responsibility for all of the Modoc July Complex excluding the Warner Mountains. Cove Fire: 11,377 acres, 10% contained. Mandatory evacuations were issued and Hwy 299 is closed, A shelter is open at Bieber Memorial Hall. .Threat to the community of Adin and Hwy 299 Corridor. A public meeting is scheduled for 8/1/2017 in Cal Pines.
08/01/17 1805 CA-PNF Minerva Fire: 1,531 acres, 30% contained. CA-IMT2 (Mills) assigned. Moderate fire behavior with backing and active group torching. Threats to communities of Quincy and Meadow Valley, water sheds, local infrastructure, communication sites, powerlines, major travel ways, Feather River College. Evacuations are not expected
08/01/17 1805
CA-KNF Clear: 3,250 acres, 10% contained. Type 3 Incident Management Team assigned. Moderate rate of spread with backing, flanking and isolated torching. Fire remains in the South Fork Clear Creek drainage. Siskiyou Wilderness and other culturally significant resources are threatened, smoke impacts are having an economic impact to the local area. Multiple habitats threatened
08/01/17 0605
CA-PNF Minerva Fire: 1,350 acres, 20% contained. CA-IMT2 (Mills) transistioned at 0600. Moderate fire behavior with backing and isolated torching. Threats to communities of Quincy and Meadow Valley, water sheds, local infrastructure, communication sites, powerlines, major travel ways, Feather River College. Evacuations are not expected
08/01/17 0605
CA-MDF Modoc July Complex: 61,730 approx. acres, 35% contained. Extreme fire behavior with uphill runs, torching and short range spotting. CA-IMT1 (Kurth) in Unified Command with CAL FIRE. CA-IMT1 (Kurth) has operational responsibility for all of the Modoc July Complex excluding the Warner Mountains. Cove Fire: 11,377 acres, 10% contained. Evacuation advisory for Rush Creek Rd and Lookout Rd.Threat to the community of Adin and Hwy 299 Corridor
Posted by: Kim Noyes <>
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