Good Morning Hawks
Today is Thursday, August 24
Please rise for the pledge
There will be a Mu Alpha Theta (MATH HONOR SOCIETY MEETING) for current members only this Friday at lunch in Mrs. Alvarado's room. Anyone interested in joining Math Honor Society, we will have our informational meeting on Monday Sept. 8 at lunch in H207. So if you are interested in joining Math Honor Society plan to come then. Current members see you Friday.
GRAPHICS CLUB Do you like graphic Design? Like making posters and advertisements? Then Graphics Club is for you! Come to our first meeting Today at lunch in E115!
"Hey, UNIFIED HAWKS! We are having a meeting today during lunch in E103 Please come by! If you are interested in joining a new club that promotes friendships, plays games, and does fun things, come stop by and join Unified Hawks in E103."
Old and new members of the THESPIAN HONOR SOCIETY: our first meeting of the year is today during lunch in J122. Meet your officers! Learn about our upcoming year! Come for some fun!
Junior class POWDERPUFF cheerleaders: practice tonight 6-8 p.m.; See you there!
HIP HOP HAWKS Do you like hip hop? Do you like to dance? Would you like to learn? The Hip Hop Hawks are looking for new talent! Come see what we're all about on Friday in the Dance room or see Coach Suman for more details!
PARKING PASSES are $35.00 and will be sold during lunch and before school in the Activities Office. Please be sure to havethe form filled out and bring the correct documentation. Security will begin tagging cars this week.
LOCKERS: If you would like to move your locker assignment to another hallway please stop by the activities office
WING SQUAD Are you looking for a way to make new friends? To get more involved with your school? To make a difference in your community? If you said yes to any of these questions, then please attend the first Wing Squad Meeting is TODAY, August 24th at lunch in H208 to find out how to join.
FLY FISHING CLUB. New members and all those interested in learning all about fly fishing, we will have our first full meeting today in F212 at lunch. Come and learn about a skill that will reward you for the rest of your life!
If you are in need of credit recovery ECademy Registration is now open until Friday August 25th. See your academycounselor for details. Do not miss out on registration if you are in need of making up credits
Juniors and Seniors: If you have ever thought about going to a Military Academy like West Point or the Airforce Academylisten up: UNM is having Military Academy Night on August 29th from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM in the UNM Student Union Building– Ballroom C. Please see Mr. Garcia in E224 for more information.
BOYS SOCCER: will play Manzano at the soccer complex at 4:15
GIRLS SOCCER: will play ALBUQUERQUE HIGH at the soccer complex at 4:15
FOOTBALL: will play Valley HS at Community Stadium
That's all for your morning announcements.
And remember
As always
It's Great to be a Hawk
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