From: [airtankers] <>
Date: Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 11:43 PM
Subject: [airtankers] Northern California Wildfires.
Here is a breakdown of the large fires in Northern California. They have now been seperated into complex's.
'Southern LNU Complex": consists of the following fires. "Atlas","Nuns", "Patrick". Fires are burning in Napa,Solano and Sonoma counties. Atlas is the largest fire burning 42,350 acres. Patrick 9,525 acres, Nuns 7,230 acres.
"Central LNU Complex: consists of the following fires. "Pocket" , "Tubbs". Burning in Napa and Sonoma counties. The Tubbs Fire is responsible for most of the deaths being reported which is now 21.
"Mendocino Lake Complex". Consists of the following fires. "Redwood", "Sulphur". Fires are burning in Lake and Mendocino counties. Redwood 29,500 acres. Sulphur 2,500 acres.
"Wind Complex". Consist of the following fires. "Cascade", "La Porte", "Lobo", "McCourtney". Fires are burning in Butte,Nevada,Yuba counties. Cascade 12,349 acres 20% contained. La Porte 3,700 acres 15% contained. Lobo 857 acres 30% contained. McCourtney 76 acres 65% contained. Smoke from these fires are impacting air quality in Northern California and Western Nevada.
The "Cherokee Fire" also in Butte county has burned 7,500 acres and is 40% contained, little growth reported on this fire over the last 24.
Posted by: Kim Noyes <>
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