Parent Advisory is working with Volcano Vista's National Honor Society (NHS) to promote "Supplies for Soaring." Due to the school's tight budget, we hope to ease the burden for staff by donating to the school's stock of copy paper. From Wednesday, October 18 until Friday, November 3, we ask that you donate ream(s) of paper to help with necessary copies used in our classrooms and school. Your student can drop off the donation at the school's workroom (downstairs across from the library) before and after school from October 18 - November 3. Each ream donated gives your student an opportunity to win one of three $15 Regal Cinema gift cards to be awarded on Monday, November 6. Please help us help our school soar! Thank you!
P.S. This week, Staples has great rebates on cases of their copy paper: Walmart has reams of their copy paper at the daily price of $3.47
Thank you,
VVHS Parent Advisory & NHS
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