From today...posted to a FB group I'm on.
12/17 @ 4PM Update Notes.
- Chief Jeff Cal Fire - 269K acres. No significant runs today! $117M, Parma Park fire fight. Your evacuation allowed them to focus on the fire. Mountain Drive - a house was saved because the owners cleared the the defensible space so they were able to operate. There are thousands of homes that have been saved. The firefighters have done an incredible job.
- Rocky Incident Commander - Special thanks to the citizens in Montecito and SB that listened the evacuation orders. Evacuations allowed them to focus and do what they needed to do. Run yesterday was 11,189 acres larger than the Sherpa fire. Local knowledge with the outer area of resources . 1,300 immediate threatened and 12 structures damaged/destroyed....without a single civilian accident. This is testimony to the relationships we as a community have with each other ignored to save our community and ourselves. Thank you.
- Chief Chris - Great day yesterday. The guys on the was a serious firefight. Fire wanted to come down the hill fast and at shift change everything came together at the perfect time and we saved a lot of homes. The firing operations worked well and are pretty much done --- having a lot of good luck...still chasing smokes...chaparral is drying out will not be a month. The younger fuels did not burn well which is good. Across Gibraltar road more work to do but pretty happy. They have younger fuels. We are really proud of the guys. They did a good job.
- Sheriff Bill Brown - Facilitate evacuations, security and warnings. The mandatory evacuation areas has not changed. 16-17K under mandatory. As of 2pm voluntary 30K people under voluntary. This is NOT a contained fire. Winds can change rapidly. It moved 15 miles in one day. Still expect days of activity. Stubborn fire. Do not let your guard down. Be packed, car gassed, prescription medications, special ready to leave at a moments notice. 150 law enforcement officers in place. We are looking at next wind event which is next wed/thurs. All road closures monitored to ensure unauthorized people do not get in. Thank you to many departments (see video for list). SLO came in last night - Thank you!!!!! LAPD and LA County Sheriff's office (see video for list). Search and Rescue teams. California National Guard. Unit helping and from Channel Island helping and Northern California coming. Thank you - sheriff fire air support. Lives on the line - 13 water drops after dark and put the front country flare up out - TREMENDOUS JOB done to protect Montecito.
- Cindy Hsy Patrol Captain - will close Hwy 154 in the morning. Use 101 in the morning. Thank you to CalTrans for their help in getting the 101 at Turnpike....Repaved the road and clean up in 24 hours...Amazing!!! We are doing everything we can to keep your property protected during evacuations. Thank you to so many people and organizations and Thank you to the community for support.
- Stacy Silva SB Animal Services 1,700 animals large and small. A testimony to the love the community has for their animals and bringing them with them. Support in feeding fish and helping people address that. Thank you to Human Societies HOT LINE - 681-4332. Just received 4 disaster personnel from San Diego to help care for the animals. Please check and secure your property, fence line etc. and we will reunite you with your pet at no cost ( Note - Please make donations to this organization.)
- Q&A Portion --Last night the pace contingency was Gibraltar Road. Those lines are not affected and we are holding this primary line. Now we have a new branch director and he is looking to the 154 and to the west as back-up. Our contingency is our primary line and to keep it where it is now. Alternative is we will keep hitting it hold. We have 3 days of nice weather ahead. Our contingency is the windy gap fuel break and that is east of 154 it allows us to bring a dozer all the way around. It if gets big we will chase it wherever it goes......San Marcos HS was not an evacuation shelter as fuels are running hot. We are making every effort to hold it. We think we can make it cool enough before Wednesday. He doesn't imagine it will come that close. 192 we held and we were lucky to hold it there given the winds......
- Wondering about air quality -- the air quality was better today than expected. It is UNHEALTHY for sensitive groups.
-- Turnpike area -- Atascadero Bridge -- the heat turned to about 115 degrees....she called the Sheriff at 543pm....she crossed the bridge and turned on mag light...there were 30-40 coals burning beneath the one came out...she waited....609pm she called 911...dispatcher told her it sounded like a warming one every came out and never got to the fire department....also wants to know where all the gasoline went....she personally got out in the morning and warned neighbors of the burning coals under the bridge...she said sheriff and 911 did not is an area that could have set off Hope Ranch, Hidden Hills etc...this needs to be addressed....The authorities said they will look into this and speak with her after the meeting....
- Is it possible to become desensitized to the smoke and I am not wearing a mask anymore, is there a place I can look? PM2.5 particulates are what they are looking at, go online and look at the air quality monitoring and it will provide the info you need.
- Haven't heard about the organizational and command structure behind this incident - they brought in management teams - Cal Fire 4 are organized and Cal National Team 4 we combined the leadership of the two teams to manage it. The team comes together to oraganize it, the young men and women on the lines, the meteorologists, scientists...72 information officers...utilities, local law enforecment and there is the finance section which organizes how people get do we use the Earl Warren Fairgrounds and ensure they get paid etc.....
- What makes an area contained, what do you look for? We look to remove the fuel at the edge of the fir. Cool fire, remove fuel..hoses cool or aircraft to cool. Also contained by roads, hand lines...then they mop up and put out any heat in the burned area/scare. Then when they are sure it is out they say it is contained.
- Thank you for attending the community meeting and the viewers at home that are watching by FB and Twitter.
- Chief Jeff Cal Fire - 269K acres. No significant runs today! $117M, Parma Park fire fight. Your evacuation allowed them to focus on the fire. Mountain Drive - a house was saved because the owners cleared the the defensible space so they were able to operate. There are thousands of homes that have been saved. The firefighters have done an incredible job.
- Rocky Incident Commander - Special thanks to the citizens in Montecito and SB that listened the evacuation orders. Evacuations allowed them to focus and do what they needed to do. Run yesterday was 11,189 acres larger than the Sherpa fire. Local knowledge with the outer area of resources . 1,300 immediate threatened and 12 structures damaged/destroyed....without a single civilian accident. This is testimony to the relationships we as a community have with each other ignored to save our community and ourselves. Thank you.
- Chief Chris - Great day yesterday. The guys on the was a serious firefight. Fire wanted to come down the hill fast and at shift change everything came together at the perfect time and we saved a lot of homes. The firing operations worked well and are pretty much done --- having a lot of good luck...still chasing smokes...chaparral is drying out will not be a month. The younger fuels did not burn well which is good. Across Gibraltar road more work to do but pretty happy. They have younger fuels. We are really proud of the guys. They did a good job.
- Sheriff Bill Brown - Facilitate evacuations, security and warnings. The mandatory evacuation areas has not changed. 16-17K under mandatory. As of 2pm voluntary 30K people under voluntary. This is NOT a contained fire. Winds can change rapidly. It moved 15 miles in one day. Still expect days of activity. Stubborn fire. Do not let your guard down. Be packed, car gassed, prescription medications, special ready to leave at a moments notice. 150 law enforcement officers in place. We are looking at next wind event which is next wed/thurs. All road closures monitored to ensure unauthorized people do not get in. Thank you to many departments (see video for list). SLO came in last night - Thank you!!!!! LAPD and LA County Sheriff's office (see video for list). Search and Rescue teams. California National Guard. Unit helping and from Channel Island helping and Northern California coming. Thank you - sheriff fire air support. Lives on the line - 13 water drops after dark and put the front country flare up out - TREMENDOUS JOB done to protect Montecito.
- Cindy Hsy Patrol Captain - will close Hwy 154 in the morning. Use 101 in the morning. Thank you to CalTrans for their help in getting the 101 at Turnpike....Repaved the road and clean up in 24 hours...Amazing!!! We are doing everything we can to keep your property protected during evacuations. Thank you to so many people and organizations and Thank you to the community for support.
- Stacy Silva SB Animal Services 1,700 animals large and small. A testimony to the love the community has for their animals and bringing them with them. Support in feeding fish and helping people address that. Thank you to Human Societies HOT LINE - 681-4332. Just received 4 disaster personnel from San Diego to help care for the animals. Please check and secure your property, fence line etc. and we will reunite you with your pet at no cost ( Note - Please make donations to this organization.)
- Q&A Portion --Last night the pace contingency was Gibraltar Road. Those lines are not affected and we are holding this primary line. Now we have a new branch director and he is looking to the 154 and to the west as back-up. Our contingency is our primary line and to keep it where it is now. Alternative is we will keep hitting it hold. We have 3 days of nice weather ahead. Our contingency is the windy gap fuel break and that is east of 154 it allows us to bring a dozer all the way around. It if gets big we will chase it wherever it goes......San Marcos HS was not an evacuation shelter as fuels are running hot. We are making every effort to hold it. We think we can make it cool enough before Wednesday. He doesn't imagine it will come that close. 192 we held and we were lucky to hold it there given the winds......
- Wondering about air quality -- the air quality was better today than expected. It is UNHEALTHY for sensitive groups.
-- Turnpike area -- Atascadero Bridge -- the heat turned to about 115 degrees....she called the Sheriff at 543pm....she crossed the bridge and turned on mag light...there were 30-40 coals burning beneath the one came out...she waited....609pm she called 911...dispatcher told her it sounded like a warming one every came out and never got to the fire department....also wants to know where all the gasoline went....she personally got out in the morning and warned neighbors of the burning coals under the bridge...she said sheriff and 911 did not is an area that could have set off Hope Ranch, Hidden Hills etc...this needs to be addressed....The authorities said they will look into this and speak with her after the meeting....
- Is it possible to become desensitized to the smoke and I am not wearing a mask anymore, is there a place I can look? PM2.5 particulates are what they are looking at, go online and look at the air quality monitoring and it will provide the info you need.
- Haven't heard about the organizational and command structure behind this incident - they brought in management teams - Cal Fire 4 are organized and Cal National Team 4 we combined the leadership of the two teams to manage it. The team comes together to oraganize it, the young men and women on the lines, the meteorologists, scientists...72 information officers...utilities, local law enforecment and there is the finance section which organizes how people get do we use the Earl Warren Fairgrounds and ensure they get paid etc.....
- What makes an area contained, what do you look for? We look to remove the fuel at the edge of the fir. Cool fire, remove fuel..hoses cool or aircraft to cool. Also contained by roads, hand lines...then they mop up and put out any heat in the burned area/scare. Then when they are sure it is out they say it is contained.
- Thank you for attending the community meeting and the viewers at home that are watching by FB and Twitter.
Posted by: Pamela Alley <>
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