Good Morning Hawks
Today is Friday, December 8, 2017
Please rise for the pledge
As most of you have heard by now, there was a shooting on the Aztec High School campus yesterday. During lunch, today senate will have a poster for you to sign to show our support for the Tigers. We will mail it to them this afternoon. Please stop by the table outside of activities and show your support.
FACULTY: the parent advisory has cinnamon rolls for all of you in the A Hall and E Hall teacher lounges. Please go help yourself.
Finals are next week:
Monday and Tuesday are C-days
Wednesday is 1, 3, 5, 7
Thursday is 1, 2, 4, 6
with make ups on Dec 15th. If you are not going to be here on those days, you must get approval in advance from your academy principal. Again, any make up final exams must be approved in advance by your academy principal. And good luck!
ARTS & CRAFTS FAIR will be on campus tomorrow from 9 to 3 in the A hall area.
ONE HAWK ONE HEART long sleeve t-shirts are on sale in the activities office for $10.00.
eCademy Spring 2018 registration is now open, See your academy counselor if you need Credit Recovery. Spring eCademy classes begin January 3rd get registered early.
ATTENTION JUNIORS AND SENIORS. Volcano Vista students have been invited to take part in a college tour of the University of New Mexico on Thursday January 18th. The tour will last all day and free lunch will be provided. Only 20 spots remain please see Mr. Garcia in E224 for more information and to sign up!
That's all for your morning announcements Hawks, Have a great day.
And remember
As always
It's Great to be a Hawk
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