Wednesday, January 31, 2018
[ Volcano ] File - ka.txt
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[californiadisasters] File - Abbreviations & Meanings
AAR At any rate
AAR can also mean "After Action Report", used in emergency management fields
AAS Alive and smiling
ADN Any day now
AEAP As early as possible
AFAIK As far as I know
AFK Away from keyboard
AISB As it should be
AOTA All of the above
ASAP As soon as possible
AWOL Absent Without Leave
B4 Before
B4N Bye for now
BAK Back at keyboard
BAU Business as usual
BBIAF Be back in a few
BBIAM Be back in a minute
BBL Be back later
BC Because or variously, Battalion Chief
BCNU Be seein' you
BFN Bye for now
BOL Best of luck
BRB Be right back
BTA But then again
BTW By the way
CHAOS Chief Has Arrived On Scene
CMIIW Correct me if I'm wrong
CMON Come one
CT CalTrans (California Department of Transportation)
CU See you
CUA See you around
CUL See you later
CUL8R See you later
CWYL Chat with you later
CYO See you online
DC Division Chief
DEGT Don't even go there
DIKU Do I know you?
DQMOT Don't quote me on this
DTS Don't think so
EM Emergency Management
EMA E-mail address
EOM End of message
F2F Face to face
FISH First in, still here
FAMCL Falling of my chair laughing
FC Fire Captain
FD Fire Department
FITB Fill in the blank
FM Fire Marshall
FUBAR Fudged Up Beyond All Recognition
FWIW For what it's worth
FYI For your information
GA Go ahead
GAL Get a life
GB Goodbye
GFI Go for it
GG Gotta Go
GIAR Give it a rest
GMTA Great minds think alike
GOL Giggling out loud
GR&D Grinning, running and ducking
GTRM Going to read mail
HAGN Have a good night
HAGO Have a good one
HHIS Head hanging in shame
HRU How are you?
HTH Hope this helps
IAC In any case
IAP Incident Action Plan
IB I'm back
IC I see, or variously Incident Command
ICP Incident Command Post
ICBW It could be worse
ICS Incident Command System
ICT Incident Command Team (CALFIRE term)
IDK I don't know
IDTS I don't think so
IIRC If I remember correctly
ILU I love you
ILY I love you
IM Instant message
IMHO In my humble opinion
IMNSHO In my not so humble opinion
IMO In my opinion
IMT Incident Management Team (USFS term)
INAL I'm not a lawyer
IOW In other words
IRMC I rest my case
ITA I totally agree
IUSS If you say so
IYKWIM If you know what I mean
IYO In your opinion
IYSS If you say so
JAC Just a sec
JIK Just in case
JJA Just joking around
JK Just kidding
KOTC Kiss on the cheek
KNIM Know what I mean?
L8R Later
LD Later, dude
LE Law Enforcement
LEO Law Enforcement Officer
LMAO Laughing my a** off
LOL Laughing out loud
LTM Laugh to myself
LTNS Long time no see
MorF Male or female?
MUSM Miss you so much
NBD No big deal
NIMBY Not in my back yard
NMH Not much here
NOYB None of your business
NN Night-Night
NP No problem
NRN No response necessary
NW No way
OIC Oh, I see
OEM Office Of Emergency Management
OES Office of Emergency Services
OMG Oh my God
OO Over and out
OOTD One of these days
OTOH On the other hand
OTTOMH Off the top of my head
PD Police Department
PDQ Pretty darn quick
PLMK Please let me know
PIMP Peeing in my pants
PMFI Pardon me for interrupting
PMFJI Pardon me for jumping in
POAHF Put on a happy face
PTL Praise the Lord
PXT Please explain that
PU That stinks!
RL Real life
RME Rolling my eyes
ROTFL Rolling on the floor laughing
RSN Real soon now
SMHID Scratching my head in disbelief
SNAFU Situation Normal ~ All Fudged Up
SO Sheriff's Office
SOMY Sick of me yet?
SOS Same Old Shtuff
SOTMG Short of time, must go
SPST Same place, same time
SSDD Same stuff, different day
ST or S/T Strike Team
STW Search the Web
SUITM See you in the morning
SUL See you later
SUP What's up?
SYL See you later
TAFN That's all for now
TAM Tomorrow a.m.
TC Take care
THX Thanks
TIA Thanks in advance
TLK2UL8R Talk to you later
TMI Too much information
TMWFI Take my word for it
TPM Tomorrow p.m.
TPTB The powers that be
TSDMF Tears streaming down my face
TTFN Ta ta for now
TTTT These things take time
TTYL Talk to you later
TTYS Talk to you soon
TU Thank you
TY Thank you
TYT Take your time
TYVM Thank you very much
UGTBK You've got to be kidding
UW You're welcome
WAM Wait a minute
WAYF Where are you from?
WB Welcome back
WIIFM What's in it for me?
WTC World Trade Center
WTG Way to go
WTH What the heck?
WTSHTF When the s*** hits the fan
WU? What's up?
WUF? Where are you from?
WWJD What would Jesus do?
WWYC Write when you can
WYSIWYG What you see is what you get
YBS You'll be sorry
YGBKM You gotta be kidding me
YW You're welcome
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[californiadisasters] File - California Disasters DISCUSSION GROUP
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[californiadisasters] Snowflake California Assemblyman Fighting Elon Musk's Flamethrowers
The politician fighting Elon Musk's flamethrowers

Musk told his internet followers to buy them, and they did in droves. More than 15,000 were pre-ordered in just a few days. But one California lawmaker doesn't think it's such a good idea to play with fire. Take Two checked in with Assemblyman Miguel Santiago about the danger flamethrowers pose to the public.
"There are reasonable uses flamethrowers. Firefighters use them to clear bush. Also, people use them in restaurants," Santiago explained. "But when something is shaped like a toy gun, it invites people to point it at someone or something."
In an public statement, Miguel called the move to sell flamethrowers "incredibly insensitive" to the fire-ravaged state of California. He plans to introduce legislation to block the distribution of the devices before they end up in consumers' hands.
"Over the years, I have grown a great level of respect for [Elon Musk] who's a genius. He has brought us some amazing technologies and has created a lot of jobs," Santiago said. "I am sure he doesn't intend for anybody to get hurt."
Source: by: Kim Noyes <>
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[californiadisasters] On This Date In California Weather History (January 31)
A broken line of thunderstorms formed along the front and combined with post frontal winds. Over 500 downed trees caused extensive damage. One woman was killed and two were injured when a pine tree 8 feet in diameter crushed four cars in Pacific Beach.
2003: A ridge of high pressure and Santa Winds combined to bring very warm weather to the coast and valleys.
Record highs for the month were set in Riverside (97° F), Santa Ana (96° F), Escondido (92° F), and 90° F in Chula Vista and Vista, each the highest temperature on record for January.
2003: Needles, CA recorded a high temperature of 85 ° F which tied for the warmest reading in January.
2002: Temperatures plummeted on 1.30 and on this day.
It was 13° F at Shelter Valley, 17° F at Campo, 22° F at Ramona and 28° F at Escondido.
Crops were damaged in northern San Diego County.
1999: Four funnel clouds were reported in the Valley: two north of Bakersfield, one near the Fresno Yosemite International Airport and another near Merced.
1995: Fresno recorded 0.01" of precipitation.
This marked the 21st day of the month to record measurable precipitation, a record for any month of the year.
1984: High of 82° F in Bakersfield, tied for warmest high ever in the month of January (also on January 16, 1932).
1979: A winter storm that started on 1.30 and ended on this day spread 2"-4" of rainfall in 24 hours over much of coastal Southern California, and 2" of snow in Palm Springs.
On this day snow fell heavily in Palm Springs and eight inches fell at Lancaster.
All major interstates into LA (I-5, I-15, and I-10) were closed.
Snow drifts shut down Interstate 10 on both sides of Palm Springs, isolating the city.
Schools were closed and hundreds of cars were abandoned.
A snow and rain mix was reported in Borrego Springs.
Mt. Laguna received two feet of snow and Julian one foot.
Winds up to 60 mph blew in the San Diego Mountains.
A tornado touched down in Santa Ana, and possibly occurred elsewhere.
Golf ball size hail and widespread snow were also reported during the storm.
4.82" of rain fell in National City, 4.25" in La Mesa, 3.30" at SDSU, and 3.78" in El Cajon.
Flooding occurred along Silver Strand highway, in Fashion Valley, also in Spring Valley, Lemon Grove, Lakeside and Carlsbad.
Lake Hodges overflowed.
Numerous power outages resulted.
2.57" of rain fell in San Diego on this day, the seventh wettest calendar day on record and the wettest January day.
56" of snow fell in Big Bear Lake from this day to 2.2, the greatest storm snowfall on record.
26" fell on this day, the greatest daily snowfall on record for January and the second greatest daily amount on record.
This snowfall also occurred on 2.17.1990.
It snowed 1.5" in Palm Springs, the second greatest daily snowfall on record.
The only other daily measurable snowfall on record was 2" (the greatest daily amount on record) on 1.11.1930.
1979: Significant snow fell in the Kern County desert from the 30th into the 31st.
Total accumulations from this event included 9" at China Lake NAS and Mojave with 8" at Randsburg and 4.5" at Inyokern.
107 Clark County schools and UNLV closed and McCarran Airport shut down.
Highways were covered with snow and extremely slippery resulting in at least 150 accidents.
1976: It was 83° F at Paso Robles setting a record high for the month.
1963: Big Sur received 9.23" of rain -- its greatest one day rainfall.
Source: NWS San Francisco/Monterey, Hanford, Reno, Las Vegas, & San Diego

Posted by: Kim Noyes <>
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[californiadisasters] On This Date In California Weather History (January 28)
2002: A winter storm brought 19" of snow to Poison Ridge and Big Meadows in the Sierra and up to 6" to Tehachapi creating hazardous trouble through Tehachapi Pass along Highway 58.
Snow even fell in the Kern County deserts, though only a trace was reported at Edwards Air Force Base and the higher terrain near California City.
2002: Light snow was reported in the southern Inland Empire during a storm that started on this day and ended on 1.29.
1993: A foot of snow fell at Yosemite Valley, pushing the monthly total to 175", a record for any month.
1986: The warmest day in January at Fresno: 78° F.
Tejon Ranch reached a high of 82° F.
1983: A series of storms across Southern California produced surf up to 16 feet from 1.22 to 1.29.
Several piers collapsed.
Damage was done to numerous businesses and homes.
Several injuries occurred as people were swept off rocks.
1979: It was -18° F in Big Bear Lake, the second lowest temperature on record.
1979: Las Vegas, NV, received 2.4" of Vegas received 2.4 inches of snow.
1969: Heavy rains across Southern California of tropical origin that began on 1.18 ended on this day.
As much as 50" of rain fell at 7,700 feet.
31" of rain fell on the south slopes of Mt. San Gorgonio, 15.5" at San Jacinto Peak, around 10" at Banning, less than 1" from Indio southeast.
87 were reported dead from flooding and mud slides all over California.
Scores died in traffic accidents.
Hundreds of homes and buildings were destroyed in slides, including 14 destroyed and 11 damaged homes in Mt. Baldy Village.
50 homes near Forest Home (Forest Falls) were damaged by flooding.
Highways and railroads washed out. Power outages occurred.
Cucamonga Creek itself caused $10 million in damage.
The Mojave River took out numerous bridges and flooded farmlands in the upper desert.
Strong storm winds felled trees which killed four and caused power outages.
1916: Heavy rain that began on 1.25 and ended on 1.30 exacerbated the flooding earlier in the month.
4.13" of rain fell in Escondido, the greatest daily amount on record for January and the third greatest daily amount on record.
Monthly rainfall totals for 1.1916 ranged from 7.56" at San Diego to 57.91" at Dorman's Ranch (in the San Bernardino Mountains, 2,500 feet elev.).
5" fell in less than 12 hours in San Diego.
Extensive flooding occurred all over Southern California, the worst to date and it resulted in 28 total deaths in the region, 22 in San Diego County.
This is the most destructive and deadly weather event in San Diego County History.
The Lower Otay Dam broke sending a 40-foot wall of water downstream, killing 15.
A few others drowned in Mission Valley and in the San Luis Rey River.
The Sweetwater Dam also broke.
Every large bridge in San Diego County but one was seriously damaged or destroyed.
Four drowned in Orange County, two in a cottage floating down the Santa Ana River.
Two drowned in San Bernardino County.
Total damage was nearly $8 million (1916 dollars).
1913: T.A. Bedford, state highway engineer for this district, was conferring with head officers in Sacramento.
Operations in this district for the time being had been suspended and the three surveying crews, which had been running lines in the Sacramento canyon, were laid off on account of the deep snow.
1903: 11" of snow (an incredible 2.71" of precipitation) was recorded at Reno, NV.
Source: NWS San Francisco/Monterey, Hanford, Reno, Las Vegas, & San Diego and the Redding Record-Searchlight
Posted by: Kim Noyes <>
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Re: [Geology2] What's in the rock?
Any thoughts on the seemingly pointed, 4 inch reddish object embedded in this sandstone?
Posted by: Kim Noyes <>
[Volcano_Vista_HS] Daily Announcements Wednesday, January 31, 2018
SENIOR SUPERLATIVES: Seniors you may vote for senior superlatives today. You may vote once. Go to the link on the front of the VVHS web page
This is for seniors only.
DECA: Do you have an interest in helping the community? Are you interested in business? Would you like job experience you can list on an application or resume? Would you like to travel with your peers? If you answered yes to any of these questions, please visit the DECA Table during the elective fair and find out more about taking a business class at Volcano Vista.
DECA: What is better than nutrition guideline exemption day at VVHS? A discount on food exemption day of course! On Thursday all canned drinks in the DECA Hawk's Nest Snack Bar are only fifty cents!
LITERARY MAGAZINE is accepting submissions until February 9th. Turn in all submissions to Ms. Hatch in F205. Also feel free to come by if you have any questions.
HAWK WORLD EXPO TRIVIA TEAM: Hey, all you trivia kings! Sign up for try-outs for the Hawk World Expo Trivia Team at E112 today! The competition is March 3, so we only have a month to prepare.
VOCAL VELOCITY: Vocal auditions for Vocal Velocity will be held this Friday, February 2nd in the choir room (G173) from 3-6:30 PM.
•Students need to prepare a solo of their choice to perform from memory.
•Dance auditions for Vocal Velocity will take place from 3:00 - 5:00PM on Monday February 5th.
ASVAB: The armed service entrance exam, the ASVAB, will be administered here at Volcano Vista on Tuesday, February 6th. See Major Campbell in B154, the JROTC classroom, to sign up.
BOYS SOCCER: Attention anyone interested in playing boys soccer in the fall. There will be a brief informational meeting today at lunch in room A102. Bring your course card with you to the meeting. If you are unable to attend, stop by A121 for information from Coach Thiebaut.
GIRL'S TENNIS tryouts will begin Monday, Feb. 5 at our school tennis courts. Tryouts will be held 3 to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. All players MUST have a current sports physical on file at the trainer's office in order to participate. Please see Coach Kappus or Coach Roybal if you have any questions.
VOLLEYBALL: Girls interested in playing volleyball next year- stop by A124 to get your registration card signed!!!
That's all for your morning announcements Hawks
Have a great day.
And remember
As always
It's Great to be a Hawk
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Re: [Geology2] What's in the rock?
Any thoughts on the seemingly pointed, 4 inch reddish object embedded in this sandstone?
Posted by: Clifford Budd <>