Good Morning Hawks
Today is Tuesday, January 9, 2018
Please rise for the pledge
ATTENTION HAWKS: The DECA Snack Bar will be closed during lunch today. Please wish Volcano Vista DECA good luck during their District Competition at UNM today.
BSU: There will be a BSU meeting today during lunch in Conference Room H-223. If you have any questions, please let Mrs. Vasquez in Room H-205.
THE NATIVE AMERICAN CLUB is sponsoring lunch time movie screenings in room F109 every Wednesday. This month, we will be watching the critically acclaimed comedy More Than Frybread. This film has won numerous awards at film festivals all over North America, and features an all Native cast and lots of laughs, So grab your lunch and hustle over to F109 on Wednesdays. Snacks are usually available, as well!
ATTENTION TEACHERS AND STUDENTS - the fall semester soar drawing will take place during the winter assembly. You need to be present at the assembly to qualify for the prize. The prizes will be tablets and a Chromebook. Make sure you get your soar cards turned in to your academy office and library.
eCademy Spring 2018 registration is now open, See your academy counselor if you need Credit Recovery. Registration ends January 16th make an appointment to see academy counselor as Spring eCademy classes begin January 3rd
STAFF: It's a new year and time to actually succeed in those resolutions. FREE STAFF Zumba/toning today after school at 2:45 in the dance room. Be there to kick start your healthy habit!
That's all for your morning announcements Hawks
Have a great day.
And remember
As always
It's Great to be a Hawk
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