=20 At 6:01 am, a Mw 6.6 earthquake epicentered in = the San Gabriel Mountains, north of the San Fernando Valley occurred. Also = known as the Sylmar earthquake, it occurred on the San Fernando fault zone,= a thrust fault which broke the surface in the Sylmar-San Fernando area. Th= e total surface rupture was roughly 12 miles long. The maximum slip was up = to 6 feet.=20 Lasting about 60 seconds, it took 65 lives, injured more than 2,000, and ca= used property damage estimated at $505 million. The most spectacular damage= included the destruction of major structures at Olive View Hospital in Syl= mar, the Veterans Administration Hospitals, in or near downtown San Fernand= o and the collapse of freeway overpasses. At Olive View Hospital in Sylmar,= four five-story wings pulled away from the main building and three stair t= owers toppled. Most of the deaths occurred when the Veteran's Administr= ation Hospital collapsed, killing 49 people. Severe ground fracturing and l= andslides were responsible for extensive damage in areas where faulting was= not observed. Damaging landslide occurred in the Upper Lake area of Van No= rman Lakes, railroads, pipelines, and almost all structures in the path of = the slide were damaged severely. Several overpasses collapsed, similar to t= hose which occurred in the 1994 Northridge Earthquake. Two dams were damage= d severely. -Pacoima Dam and Lower Van Norman Dam - Authorities fearing col= lapse, ordered the evacuation of a moderately-large number of people in the= flood path of both. Three others sustained minor damage. Widespread landsl= ides and rockfalls blocked many highways in the area. Many older buildings = in the Alhambra, Beverly Hills, Burbank, and Glendale areas were damaged be= yond repair, and thousands of chimneys were damaged in the region. Felt thr= oughout southern California and into western Arizona and southern Nevada. N= o foreshocks were recorded, but aftershocks were reported in the area for s= everal months.
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