Good Morning Hawks
Today is Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Please rise for the pledge
Congratulations to this week's SOAR drawing. The following students have been recognized by our staff for exhibiting Volcano Vista core values - Safety, Organization, Achievement and Respect. All winners this week receive Lunch in the Lava Pit
Taylor Dannenberg - Recognized by Mrs. Green
Naomi Rankin - Recognized by Mrs. Figueroa
Bernice De la Cruz - Recognized by Mrs. Green
Jesus Olivas - Recognized by Mrs. Smith
Phillip Bailey– Recognized by Ms. Zeuli
CONGRATULATIONS to the Air Force JROTC Marksmanship team for their performance at the Air Force Western Regional in Chandler Arizona. The two teams finished first and second overall with Ashley Fried taking second and Rafael Perez eighth individually.
Other team members include: Jeremy Kalminski, Ireland Lowe, Mariano Ortiz, Paul Pina, Micah Gallegos, Andrew Cordero, and Mika Rae Mauldin.
CLUB PHOTOS: will be taken today, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week in the upper north mezzanine of the gym during lunch. Today photos will be taken of the following groups in the upper north mezzanine of the gym. Please be on time.
VALENTINE'S DAY: Who's your crush? Valentine's Day is tomorrow and you can send a (diet) Crush to your crush! Thespians will be selling crushes during lunch today for $2.
TECH LUNCH: Teachers this week Tech lunch will be Wednesday in E202; Lunch will be provided by parent advisory! Come and get your Tech help and a yummy Lunch!
GOLF: Any students wishing to play on the Spring Golf Team, it is mandatory that you talk to Coach Cota in A-216 to be added to the tryout schedule. Tryouts are on Tuesday February 20th at Desert Greens right after school. If you do not sign up with Coach Cota, there will not be a spot for you to tryout on Tuesday. See Coach Cota in A-216 for more information.
That's all for your morning announcements Hawks
Have a great day.
And remember
As always
It's Great to be a Hawk
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