Several of the groups I'm on have switched to - it's much faster and has been more reliable.
At 02:41 AM 6/21/2019, you wrote:
So here we are over a year later and we're still not getting automatic anniversary events. I still get the same damned message when I try to access the Calendar/Events feature here. Do we care enough about automatic anniversaries of California disaster events to move to which is free and way better and the focus of the website unlike Yahoo Groups which has become an afterthought with Yahoo? I'd set up a poll here which is something Yahoo Groups used to feature but anybody want to bet me Yahoo Groups doesn't offer that feature anymore either? So I'll just ask you all: are we happy with this platform and me just posting my thing or are we ambitious to try something new and abandon this sinking ship and move to
Kim Patrick Noyes a.k.a. California Disasters a.k.a. Eclectic Arcania
On Wed, Apr 18, 2018 at 11:06 AM Kim Noyes <> wrote:
- Today is the 112th anniversary of the last major rupture of the San Andreas Fault Zone in Northern California (Loma Prieta in 1989 was not major). This led to an urban conflagration of San Francisco in the days following for which the disaster is most remembered.
- Typically, CaliforniaDisasters and CaliforniasEarthquakeForum members receive automatic Calendar event announcements of this disaster (and others) with a brief description. These were not issued this morning for both groups. In fact, the last automatic one received for CaliforniaDisasters members was February 10, 2018 (two of them) and for CaliforniasEarthquakeForum was February 9, 2018.
- This morning I have repeatedly tried to get into the Calendar events feature from within the home page web interface for both groups and received this message each time: "Your access to this calendar is being processed. Please check back later.." I'm sorry, but I'm over it!
- It is time for the CaliforniaDisasters family to have this discussion again: do we continue on Yahell Groups? What strong arguments remain to keep this version going when the Facebook and Twitter and Reddit versions (especially the Twitter) versions are so much superior and clearly Yahell treats their groups service as their ugly step-children?
- For those who feel technologically limited and believe they can only do Yahoo Groups, I'm willing to get on the phone with you and walk you through the process of getting set up on Twitter which is actually quite amazing for our purposes. Retired moderator Gene Salvetti made the same argument in the early part of this decade and I poo-pooed it at the time. Later, I converted, realizing the deepening quietude on the fire and earthquake Yahell groups was not an expression of disinterest in the subject but rather that folks had moved on to better platforms like forums (example: the late Hotlist) and Twitter for sure. Twitter features hundreds and thousands of great fire and earthquake and other disaster accounts of which I follow 802 of them and only share the best and more relevant stuff so even if you only follow me on Twitter you will be getting a very synthesized and cleaned-up stream of useful and relevant information but with visuals like photos and GIFs and even short WEBMs as well as commentary from scientists and first responders and emergency managers, et al.
- Let the dialogue commence. For those making the argument we stay here my initial response is FIGHT ME! :-p
- Der Gruppen Oberfuhrer
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- Kim Noyes
Kim Noyes
Posted by: Canie <>
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