At this time 313 years ago tonight a series of deadly and destructive tsunami bores were interracting with the Pacific coast of California, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia which would later strike Japan and be recorded as an "orphan" tsunami in their records and even sink a ship traversing a particularly treacherous region of their coast.
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Reminder from: californiadisasters Yahoo! Group Title: 1700 Cascadia Great Earthquake Date: Saturday January 26, 2013 Time: 9:00 pm - 9:00 pm (GMT-08.00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) Location: NorCal/Pacific Northwest Notes: Tonight at about 9 P.M. in the year 1700 the Great Cascadia Earthquake of January 26, 1700, rocked the region that would become to be known as the Pacific Northwest, a quake that was perhaps as large as the 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake.
This quake, which ruptured a mega-thrust fault zone that runs from Cape Mendocino in Northern California northwards to Vancouver, British Columbia triggered a Pacific-wide tsunami that struck the coast of Japan where it was recorded as an "orphan tsunami" as there was no quake in Japan to which the Japanese could connect it.
Although the only inhabitants of the epicenter region were pre-Columbian aboriginal peoples (First Nations) they also kept a record of this event in their oral traditions and both this record and the Japanese one are supported by ample multidisciplinary scientific evidence which all blends together to tell a frightening tale of Winter nighttime terror starting with sound and motion and ending with cold frothy dark waters.
How large the tsunamis were that struck that night is anybody's guess but one can assume that they averaged at least in the 30 foot or higher run-up range with some zones hit with higher run-ups than others.
There can be no doubt that most if not all of the area that would later come to be known as California felt this quake whose shaking would have gone on for several minutes or more.
There can also be no doubt that the entire length of the future California coast was struck by dangerous if not deadly tsunami run-ups given the height of the run-ups resulting from the Great Alaska Quake of March, 1964, which was much further away.
When this event happens again, IF our civilization is still here when it happens it will be devastating and deadly and cause damage and upheaval perhaps on a level not seen in our nation since the Civil War.Get reminders on your mobile, Yahoo! Messenger, and email.
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