Best Buds will meet Friday during lunch. We will be talking about the upcoming events. New faces always welcome!
Attention any student taking an eCADEMY English 9 or 10 class with Mrs. Wells: Don't forget you need to attend one of the meetings scheduled for today either at lunch or after school in A202.
The DECA Snack Bar has brought in a few new products and more are on their way soon. New this week, we have Goldfish Crackers and Kellogg's Nutri-Grain Bars. Join us soon for some great snacks!
National Honor Society: Our first mandatory meeting of this semester will be Monday, January 28th. Seniors meet in H209 and Juniors meet in E203 at lunch. We will be signing up for tutoring hours. Many of you must complete your tutoring to letter or earn an honor cord. If you are in the Spanish Honor Society, you should sign up at this meeting on January 28th to do your tutoring hours during the month of February. See you Monday at lunch.
There are several scholarships that have a March 1st deadline. Please see Mrs. Sandy in room E224 for ALL scholarship information.
Don't forget to sign-up in room E224 for UNM's African American Student Day on Friday, March 1st. Transportation to and from UNM will be provided.
Attention all students! Registration is coming soon! How will you know which electives to pick? Volcano Vista will be holding its first annual Electives Fair on Monday, January 28 during lunch! Many of your wonderful elective choices for next year will be represented at tables scattered all throughout the first floor concourse. Come check out all of these amazing classes and discover which ones are right for you!
Winterball tickets will go on sale Monday during lunch in the Activities Office. Students must have their current VVHS student ID in order to purchase a ticket. Tickets are $15.00 next week. The price will increase on February 4th to $20 and to $25 on the 8th. If you are bringing a guest please have the permission slip filled out when you purchase your ticket. Permission slips can be found on the website or in Activities. The theme for this years Winterball is An Affair to Remember.
- Boys Basketball will play the Academy at 7 in the Ring of Fire TONIGHT.
- All cross country team members need to attend Friday's dance competition in our gym. All athletes need to arrive by 7 PM. Make sure to wear your One Team shirt.
- All boys track team members need to attend Saturday's cheer competition. All athletes need to arrive by noon. Make sure to wear your One Team shirt.
- ALL Cross Country and Track and Field members (boys and girls) who are Freshmen, Sophomores, or Juniors, need to see Coach Gilmore next week about registering for our athletic class.
- Any girls interested in going out for tennis this spring should get their physical forms completed now in order to start playing in February. Voluntary hitting days will be held on February 5, 6, and 7 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at the Sierra Vista Courts for any girls who want to get used to playing again. Mandatory tryouts begin Monday, Feb. 11 at 3:30 p.m. at Sierra Vista. Tryouts will be Monday through Thursday, February 11 through 14, from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at Sierra Vista. PLAYERS MUST HAVE A CURRENT PHYSICAL FORM TO TAKE PART IN HITTING SESSIONS OR TRYOUTS. See you on the courts!
- Our Talon Dance team has a competition here on Friday beginning at 7 in the Ring of Fire.
- Our cheerleaders will compete on Saturday at 1pm in the Ring of Fire.
- The Boys Metro Swim meet is Saturday at 11 at West Mesa Pool.
- Girls Varsity Basketball will play at Manzano at 3 on Saturday.
Good Luck Hawks!
And remember
As always…
It's great to be a Hawk!
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