A Message from the International Cultural Education Service
a U.S. State Department designated foreign exchange sponsor
Become a Host Family/Open Your Doors and Hearts
Hosting a student is an exciting and rewarding experience. When you choose to be an ICES Volunteer Host Family and welcome a foreign exchange student into your home, you will have the chance to establish a wonderful life-long friendship, while making a difference in a student's life. We are seeking host families for the August 2013 academic year or first semester.
ICES Host Families are the backbone of student exchange. So much of our success is dependent on the environment created for our students by these very special host families.
The first step to finding out more about becoming an ICES Host Family is to contact your Area Representative. If you decide to move forward, you will complete the ICES Host Family application process. Then your ICES Area Representative will thoughtfully help you choose a prospective new son or daughter, using his or her knowledge of other cultures, student profiles, your preferences, general family information along with the criteria of your local school. We will recommend a select choice of students for you to consider hosting.
The Hosting Experience
ICES students have their own spending money, cover their own personal expenses, and have full health insurance. Volunteer host families are asked to provide the student with meals and room and board during his or her stay in America. Although not a large sum of money, the Department of State does appreciate your dedication to international exchange. Host families can claim $50 per month tax deduction for each month they host in the following tax year.
Thank you!
Carolyn Skloven-Gill
Area Representative, ICES
ICES is a private, non-profit organization, and is not associated with either Volcano Vista High School, the Volcano Vista Parent Advisory, or the Albuquerque Public School System. International Cultural Exchange Program has been registered with APS as a designated foreign exchange sponsor.
For more information, go to our web site: http://www.volcanovistahawks.com
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