(Amanda Cabral & Martha Gandarilla) "In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, the Spanish Club will be leading the Pledge of Allegiance in Spanish today. Please rise for the Pledge and feel free to join us in English or Spanish. We will also be sharing a fact about Hispanic culture each Monday. The fact for today is: 1.1 million Hispanics or Latinos 18 and older are veterans of the U.S. armed forces.
Finally, in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, el Club de Cultura Hispánica is sponsoring a Famous Hispanic American and Latinos in History contest. See the display in front of the library and enter for your chance to win a free lunch from the Lava Pit courtesy of el Club. One winner will be chosen each week of this month.
Thank-you to everyone who came out this past weekend to help clean up the campus. Art Club, DECA, Golf, Math NHS, NHS, Operation Smile, Senate and Wing Squad- Thank-you.
HOMECOMING: Our theme this year is Midnight in the Mansion. Sign-ups for Powderpuff football players and cheerleaders will begin on Wednesday. All forms must be turned into the Activities Office by Friday at 2:30. This activity is open to juniors and seniors who meet the NMAA qualifications.
Any senior interested in signing up for Master of Ceremonies for Homecoming stop by the activities office during lunch beginning on Wednesday. Tryouts will take place on October 8th at lunch.
Any student interested in signing up for TALENT at the coronation assembly please come by the activities office during lunch beginning on Wednesday. Tryouts will take place on October 8th at lunch.
MATH NATIONAL HONORS SOCIETY will meet today at lunch in room H21.
There will be a GAY STRAIGHT ALLIANCE meeting today at lunch in room A120. We will have an informal discussion about how to promote the tolerance of diversity in our VVHS community. New and prospective members along with interested students are always welcome to attend.
OPERATION SMILE will be meeting in A101 on Tuesday at lunch! All are welcome!
BSU: Our next meeting will be Thursday, October 2nd.
Fashion club will be having their first meeting at their new time, Thursdays at lunch in Mrs. Luna's room, G204. Anyone can attend and new members are always welcome
The Volcano Vista Bowling team is holding an information meeting on Tuesday - Sept 30th - during lunch at the ROTC rifle range. Coach Perry Hampel said there are openings available to be on the team and invites all students - from all grades - young men and young ladies - all levels of abilities. Come on HAWKS - lets roll!!!!
THE WING SQUAD meeting for Balloon Fiesta is this Friday in room H107. If you signed up to work a shift, it is mandatory that you come
Seniors, the Horatio Alger Scholarship program is for students who have a financial need and have exhibited perseverance in overcoming personal adversity. The awards range from $7,000-22,000. The deadline to apply is October 25. See the Career Center in Rm. E224 or go to the website, www.horatioalger.org/scholarships, for more information.
BOYS SOCCER: plays at Cleveland at 6pm on Wednesday. They will play Santa Fe on Saturday at 11.
GIRLS SOCCER: plays Cleveland at 3pm on Wednesday
VOLLEYBALL: plays at Cibola on Tuesday at 6:30 and on Thursday they will be in The Ring of Fire playing Rio Rancho at 6:30
GOLF: will have their first match of the year at Ladera on Thursday at 8am.
XC: will run in the La Cueva Invite on Saturday at 8:00am
Football: Football will play West Mesa at Community Stadium on Friday at 7. We will be on the home team. It is the teams pink-out game to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Everyone wear pink
Have a Great Day
And remember
As always…
It's great to be a hawk!
Posted by: ssteckbeck@yahoo.com
For more information, go to our web site: http://www.volcanovistahawks.com
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