Friday, July 17, 2015

[californiadisasters] Drones Grounding Firefighting Aircraft in California

The drones are endangering lives and homes, according to fire managers frustrated by the unauthorized flights.

By Bea Karnes (Patch Staff) July 16, 2015

After four years of drought, the fire danger in California forests and grasslands is dire. In fact, there were 250 wildfires in California last week, bringing the total for the year to 3,400, according to CAL FIRE. That's 1,100 more than normal for this time of year.

Fire agencies from the local to national level have mobilized manpower and equipment to attack blazes when they first flare, to safeguard residents, homes and natural resources.

Last Sunday, the Mill 2 fire on the edge of the San Bernardino National Forest forced the evacuation of four homes. The firefighting air response included 5 helicopters, 2 fixed wing air tankers, and one air attack plane. Unfortunately, the two air tankers had to be grounded for a short time. The danger: a drone.

Drones fly at the same low level as air tankers and helicopters, setting up a potential tragedy. Carol Underhill of the US Forest Service said in a printed statement, "Unauthorized drone flights over or near the wildfires could cause serious injury or death to firefighters on the ground. Unauthorized drones could also be involved in midair collisions with air tankers, helicopters, and other aircraft engaged in fire suppression operations. This could decrease the effectiveness of fire suppression operations, allowing the fire to grow larger and potentially threaten lives, property, and valuable natural and cultural resources."

Joe Testa, Acting Deputy Chief of the Livermore Pleasanton Fire Department, agreed that "having the ability to utilize all available resources including firefighting helicopters and planes is critical to slowing or stopping the forward progression of the fire. Flying a drone over a vegetation fire would be similar to blocking the road leading to the fire with your car. It prevents critical resources from being where they need to."

Sunday's incident was the fourth time in a month that firefighting aircraft have been grounded in California because of drones:

  • July 12 - 2 air tankers grounded at Mill 2 Fire
  • June 29 - air operations ceased for 1.5 hours in the Plumas National Forest
  • June 25 - air operations stopped briefly in San Bernardino County
  • June 24 - air operations stopped briefly in San Bernardino County

Lawmakers at both the state and federal levels have introduced legislation to make flying a drone over wildfires a crime. Those bills are in the preliminary stages.

Until then, the message from fire managers is clear: as long as drones are in the air, firefighting aircraft will remain on the ground.



Posted by: Kim Noyes <>

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