Tuesday, March 8, 2016

[californiadisasters] On This Date In California Weather History (March 8)

2002: Hayward reported a low of 36° F. 

1986: A cold front spawned thunderstorms across Arizona, including one which produced a microburst in Bullhead City, AZ. 
Numerous power lines were blown down and damage to at least 1 garage was reported.

 In Bakersfield, 1.5" of snow fell.

1974: Fresno had a high of only 45° F, lowest ever for the month of March (also recorded on March 3,

1969: The morning low temperature at Bridgeport was -26° F.

 Heavy rain that began on 3.6 ended on this day across SoCal. 
One drowning death resulted. 
There was local flooding and
damage to buildings, homes, and schools. 
Landslides closed several highways.

 Warmest low ever in March in Fresno, 60° F.

1952: 2.4" of rain fell in San Diego starting on 3.7 and ending on this day, the greatest 24-hour amount on record for March.

1939: 26" of snow fell at Portola.

1911: 24" of snow fell at Truckee, with 14" of snow being reported at Bridgeport.

1910: Bakersfield had a low of just 66° F, the highest ever on record for March.

Source: NWS San Francisco/Monterey, Hanford, Reno, Phoenix, & San Diego



Posted by: Kim Noyes <kimnoyes@gmail.com>

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