Tuesday, March 8, 2016

[Volcano_Vista_HS] VVHS Academic Letter Ceremony

THANK YOU to those who helped to make our

 Academic Letter Ceremony a success!


  • Our hardworking, dedicated students!

  • Our amazing, inspiring staff who are making a difference daily in so many students' lives

  • Cindy Webb -the school contact for students and parents throughout the application process

  • Connie Ewing (and Cindy Webb) for their hours of work checking transcripts and identifying eligible students

  • Susie Weidner for providing the certificates

  • Parent Advisory and Staff volunteers:  Brenda Granger, Erika Gonzales, Jacque Larsen, Gina Mordecai, Mary Alice Salazar, Rhonda Sandy, Erin Sego, Shannon Steckbeck, Alicia Vasquez, Denise Winn for help with organization details, invitations, refreshments, set up and clean up

  • Deanna Gonzales and her drama students, as well as our custodians and other helpers who helped get the stage set up and taken down in record time!


Posted by: ssteckbeck@yahoo.com

For more information, go to our web site: http://www.volcanovistahawks.com


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