OPEN MIC NIGHT has been postponed. We will not perform this Friday, January 20. We will announce the new date soon.
You still have time! The VVHS LIT MAG is back and we have extended the deadline an extra week. Submit your stories, art, poems, and more by January 20th! You can get a submission form from Mrs. Rizzardi or in room G201. Art students can see Mrs. Kaser for Artsonoia submission information.
Attention Hawks, the DECA SNACK BAR in H-Hall will be closed today. All other school serveries will be open on Wednesday.
Please wish DECA good luck at district competition today!
NATIVE CLUB: today at lunch the Volcano Vista Native Club is having an Indian Taco Social Event in Room E-209. COME JOIN US.
SPANISH NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY The first meeting of 2017 for the Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica will be tomorrow at lunch in E112.
THE SOAR STORE will be open during lunch on Wednesdays and Fridays for the months of January and February. Look for the cabinet at the end of E Hall downstairs.
DANCE: the first annual Holly Hawkins dance will be on Saturday February 4. Tickets will go on sale January 30th for $15.00 or bring a new pair of socks (must have the sales tags on them) and the tickets will be $10.00 each. If you are bringing a guest you can find the permission slip in the activities office or online at the VVHS website.
THE VVHS FLY FISHING CLUB meets today and every Wednesday in F212 at lunch FLY!!
Attention Student Athletes: Thinking about playing sports in college? Parents and students are invited to NCAA information night presented by the UNM Compliance office. NCAA Eligibility night will be held on Tuesday January 24th at 6:00 PM in the PAC.
New Mexico Military institute will be on campus January 25th at lunch in lower E-Hall. Come by for admissions information.
TENNIS Any girls interested in playing tennis this spring should come to pre-season practice sessions after school at Sierra Vista courts. Practices are Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Tryouts will begin on Monday, Feb. 6. Please see Coach Kappus or Coach Roybal for more information
WRESTLING: will have a meet against Cleveland High School in the Ring of Fire tonight at 7pm
SWIM: has a meet at the Academy today at 4:15.
GIRLS BB has a game at Rio Rancho at 7 tommorow
BOYS BB has a game against Rio Rancho at 7 tomorrow in the Ring of Fire
And remember
As always
It's Great to be a Hawk!
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