We are on an A-day schedule today.
SENIOR SUPERLATIVES: Seniors stop by the activities office today to pick up a nomination form for your 2017 senior superlatives. Nominations forms are due by Friday.
SPIKEBALL TOURNAMENT: Sign up for the Spikeball Tournament in the activities office today thru Thursday during lunch. The cost is $1.00/person. There will be 2 per team. The tournament begins next Tuesday and the finals will be at the assembly on 20th.
DRIVERS ED: Attention students interested in signing up for driver's ed: if you signed up last semester but were not able to enroll and still want to take the class, please go to F117--the administrative area in F-hall--today or Tuesday to confirm your interest. If you are now eligible and wish to enroll, please come to the activities office during lunch to sign up and receive an enrollment form which must be returned to F-117 by Wednesday, January 11.
LITERARY MAGAZINE: The Lit mag is taking submissions for the 2017 edition. Submission forms are available from Mrs. Rizzardi or outside G201. Submissions will be accepted through Friday, January 13.
DANCE: the first annual Holly Hawkins dance will be on Saturday February 4. Tickets will go on sale January 30th for $15.00 or bring a new pair of socks (must have the sales tags on them) and the tickets will be $10.00 each.
SENIORS: A representative from CNM will doing on site admissions today at lunch. If you cannot make it during lunch please see Mr. Garcia in E224 to make an appointment if you want help with the CNM application.
If you are in need of credit recovery ECademy Spring Registration is open. The last day to register for ECademy is January 18th. Spring ECademy classes have already started . The registration fee is $25 see your academy counselor to pay the registration fee and to enroll.
METRO BASKETBALL: The Boys will play Albuquerque High at Cibola tonight at 5. The Girls will play Highland High at AHS at 5
Please remember to put your trash in the trash cans at lunch.
And remember
As always
It's Great to be a Hawk!
Posted by: ssteckbeck@yahoo.com
For more information, go to our web site: http://www.volcanovistahawks.com
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