It's that time of year again! Time for THE VOLCANO VIEW NEWSPAPER to sell Valentine's Day dedications for that special someone. Dedications are 50 cents for 1 printed dedication and $1 for 3. Stop by during lunch anytime this week in E116 to order yours!
DANCE: the first annual Holly Hawkins dance will be on Saturday February 4. Tickets will go on sale January 30th for $15.00 or bring a new pair of socks (must have the sales tags on them) and the tickets will be $10.00 each. If you are bringing a guest you can find the permission slip in the activities office or online at the VVHS website. Tickets will go on sale next Monday, January 30th.
There will be a Wing Squad Appreciation Lunch with service opportunity this Friday in F125. See you Friday!
There will be a BSU meeting today during lunch in Mrs. Vasquez' classroom, H-206. Please be in attendance. We have important information to discuss.
AMBASSADORS reminder student and faculty ambassadors, we will have our monthly meeting this Friday at lunch in the lecture hall. Lunch will be served. Bring your own drink.
ASVAB: The armed service entrance exam, the ASVAB, will be administered here at Volcano Vista on Tuesday, February 7th. See Major Campbell in B154, the JROTC classroom, to sign up
SOFTBALL tryouts will be Jan 30-31st. A current physical and grade check needed to try out. Be at the fields at 2:50 after school for tryouts. For any questions see Officer Lujan
THE TRACK & FIELD season starts in February. If you would like to be part of the team see coach Schrader in H108.
BOYS BB plays at Cibola tonight at 7 and Piedra Vista tomorrow at 7 in the Ring of Fire
GIRLS BB plays Cibola in the Ring of Fire tonight at 7 and Piedra Vista in Farmington tomorrow at 7
WRESTLING: Our Dirty Bird wrestling team will be in the Metro tournament this weekend at La Cueva.
SWIM: has a meet at West Mesa Pool at 4 tomorrow.
And remember
As always
It's Great to be a Hawk!
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