Friday, September 19, 2014

[californiadisasters] King Fire Unreported Losses Commentary From Pacific House Farm

A post my husband made to a Yahoo news post. He is normally a man of few words : Unfortunately, the story has a major innaccuracy, and the error has been replicated in every news story I have seen to date. Structures, including homes, have been destroyed. On Tuesday my wife and I watched our neighbors to the west of us lose their homes, outbuildings, barns, workshops. On Wednesday September 17th, we parked further east a few miles on Highway 50 and watched with binoculars from 1/2 mile away as our home and beloved Pacific House Farm was destroyed by this fire. We worked in the heat and dust and smoke for two days to trailer out as many of our livestock as possible, but several were lost as we ran out of time. There are about 15 private properties on Peavine Ridge and I believe maybe two or three survived. We should find out details today I hope. The bravery and strength and skill of those fighting this monster inferno cannot be adequately expressed. Nothing, including responsible property clearing, retardant, ground teams, bulldozer lines or water drops was going to stop this monster of a fire. It went where it pleased and did what it wanted. We will regroup and rebuild because we are hard working honest montain folk who love having and exercising our freedom to be and do as we wish in this great country of ours, and we will never adjust our lives to accomodate for the behavior of sick evil individuals who are selfishly intent on taking that away.



Posted by: Kim Noyes <>

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