Thursday, September 18, 2014

Re: [californiadisasters] Three King Fire Tweets Worth Noting

I've been on FB putting out other 'fires' by 'expert commentators' (who don't know... from another hole...)

KNOW YOUR SOURCE.  Yubanet is great, but is user commented...

50 is/was opened/closed by the moment.  Cleanup is still going on (falling trees, burnout...)

Air Attack is back in operation!  6 tankers inbound now.  He just emptied Redding, Chico and McCLellan.  He wants to poke this King in the eye or kick someplace else!


On 9/18/2014 3:43 PM, Joann Lavis [californiadisasters] wrote:

Ok mix up with someone on hwy 50 , the road will be closed as soon as chp and caltrans get there, they are working 'there
way thru.. but yes the road will be complety shut down,, per scanner



Posted by: Rick WA6NHC <>

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