Wednesday, April 15, 2015

[californiadisasters] Defensible Space for Protection During Fire Season

Firefighters urge residents to take necessary steps

POSTED: 06:12 PM PDT Apr 15, 2015


It's called Defensible Space, and Santa Maria Battalion Chief, Ed Hadfield said, it may just save your life.

"Start doing it immediately," said Hadfield. "We are moving into wild land season, even though in the state of California, that season is all year long."

According to, defensible space is a buffer, it's created by removing dead plants and debris from around the perimeter of your home.

"The bigger space you can give us to get in there and protect you with our hose-lines," he said. "The better chance we have of protecting your homes."

He added that with extra clutter or items that surround some homes, it creates more obstacles for firefighters in the event of a quick moving fire.

"Fires can transmit between one occupancy and another based on what type of shrubbery what types of materials what types of debris you have packed up against your house or between houses," he said.

They need to be able to get into a tight space quickly and efficiently, so creating a defensible space is critical.

To learn about defensible space, visit:



Posted by: Kim Noyes <>

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